Inside America’s high-deductible revolution - Los Angeles Times

Inside America’s high-deductible revolution

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With healthcare costs topping the list of Americans’ anxieties, the Times undertook a comprehensive examination of the nation’s affordability crisis and the toll it’s taking on working Americans and their families.

Once well-protected by insurance, Americans with job-based benefits experienced a dramatic erosion in coverage as deductibles skyrocketed over the last decade, subjecting tens of millions to medical bills they can’t afford.

To examine the impact of this revolution – often overshadowed by the Obamacare debate – the Times brought together original data analysis and polling with an exhaustive review of academic literature and extensive interviews with experts and insured Americans across the country.

This series draws on a nationwide survey undertaken in partnership with the nonprofit Kaiser Family Foundation, as well as original research conducted with the Health Care Cost Institute and the Employee Benefit Research Institute, two Washington, D.C., think tanks.

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