Public Affairs - Los Angeles Times

Public Affairs

Projects of the Public Affairs department of the Los Angeles Times

The Los Angeles Times documents life in L.A. and is a dedicated guardian of the city’s welfare.

Los Angeles Times Public Affairs manages philanthropy, community engagement and corporate social responsibility at the nation’s largest metropolitan daily news organization. We build and mobilize the connections and resources within the L.A. Times and the broader community to empower us to collectively act on issues defining our time.

Public Affairs seeks to advance education and media literacy and to improve quality of life for our neighbors through its initiatives.

To learn more about partnership opportunities with the Los Angeles Times Public Affairs group please contact:

Monika Khare
Director, Public Affairs
[email protected]

Rebecca Castillo
Special Projects Lead, Public Affairs
[email protected]

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Los Angeles Times Community Fund

The Los Angeles Times Community Fund builds vital service programs and initiatives within the Times and the broader community to collectively act on pressing local issues and needs, in partnership with the nonprofit California Community Foundation.

Your tax-deductible donations and sponsorships support literacy programs, as well as local charities, food insecurity efforts, and other initiatives that benefit the greater Los Angeles community.

Los Angeles Times Community Fund logo

Our Programs

The Los Angeles Times Reading by 9 logo


Los Angeles Times Reading by 9 has worked to address the child literacy crisis in Southern California since 1998. By providing parents and educators with the necessary tools, it helps students in kindergarten through third grade learn to read — a crucial step toward future academic success.

Each year, The Times publishes its bilingual reading guide, A Guide to Storytime, in partnership with childhood literacy organizations, which is distributed for free in English and Spanish to parents, educators, nonprofit organizations and libraries. The 2021 parent reading guide, created in partnership with the Los Angeles Public Library, features book recommendations that celebrate Southern California authors, illustrators and communities.

Past partners have included, Ready, Set, Read!, Access Books and Common Sense Media. The comprehensive guide features book recommendations, local literacy resources and tips for incorporating reading into a child’s daily life. Reading by 9 is also committed to furthering literature through educational programs. Donations to the Reading by 9 fund may be made through the California Community Foundation.


Los Angeles Times High School Insider fosters a community of young readers, thinkers and storytellers to amplify and develop their voices on the issues that matter. HS Insider empowers a generation of young people to actively seek out, engage in and support a productive public discourse that will create a better future for us all.

The foundation of High School Insider is a user-generated content website where young people from around Southern California, across the country and even throughout the world can share the stories that matter to them. HS Insider also creates opportunities for young people to develop their writing, media literacy and multimedia skills, connect with L.A. Times staff and immerse themselves in the field of journalism.

The Los Angeles Times High School Insider logo
The Los Angeles Times in Education logo


Los Angeles Times in Education provides access to to classrooms across Southern California at no cost to teachers or educators.