Petraeus apologizes for affair, but was it enough? - Los Angeles Times

Petraeus apologizes for affair, but was it enough?

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Is retired Gen. David H. Petraeus planning a comeback?

He seemed to suggest so in a speech at USC Tuesday night. In the highly anticipated talk, Petraeus apologized for engaging in an extramarital affair that made international headlines. The scandal derailed the career of Petraeus, a war hero who had once been talked about as a presidential contender.

PHOTOS: Political sex scandals


As The Times’ Alexandra Zavis reported:

Before about 600 guests in a hotel ballroom in downtown L.A. on Tuesday, a confident but contrite Petraeus acknowledged he is “regarded in a different light now” than he was a year ago.

He has kept a low profile since admitting to an extramarital affair with his biographer, Paula Broadwell, in November. The speech, at a USC dinner honoring veterans and ROTC students, is the first step in what appears to be a carefully choreographed comeback attempt. The affair brought his illustrious career to an abrupt end.

“I am also keenly aware that the reason for my recent journey was my own doing,” he said. “So please allow me to begin my remarks this evening by reiterating how deeply I regret — and apologize for — the circumstances that led to my resignation from the CIA and caused such pain for my family, friends and supporters.”


Petraeus was not specific about what comes next. But he suggested he’s mulling a second act. “One learns after all that life doesn’t stop with such a mistake; it can and must go on.”

How do you feel about Petraeus’ appology? Is it enough? Should he go back into public life?

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