Watch: Royal baby meets the world - Los Angeles Times

Watch: Royal baby meets the world

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The royal baby, born Monday to William and Kate, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, is expected to leave the hospital soon with his parents.

Earlier Tuesday, Prince Charles saw his new grandson, the Prince of Cambridge, paying a visit to St. Mary’s Hospital in London along with his wife, Camilla.

The newborn stands a good chance of reaching the prize that has thus far escaped Charles’ grasp -- becoming king of England.


UPDATE: The new parents and baby have made their appearance. Watch what they had to say above.

The infant prince’s maternal grandparents, Michael and Carole Middleton, also paid a visit, with the new grandmother emerging to call the royal baby “absolutely beautiful.”

The Times’ London bureau chief, Henry Chu, has been following the royal birth, and posted these tweets on the baby’s first full day as not-quite-ruler of the empire upon which the sun never sets. (Or does it?)


#RoyalBaby and parents won’t be leaving the hospital anytime before this evening or tomorrow morning, palace officials say. No name yet.— Henry Chu (@HenryHChu) July 23, 2013

Royal noisemakers: 41-gun salute @ Green Park, 62-gun @ Tower of London, 3hrs of bells @ Westminster Abbey, all at 2pm. Stop your ears.— Henry Chu (@HenryHChu) July 23, 2013

The non-royal grandparents visit their royal grandchild. Kate’s mom on the little prince: “He’s absolutely beautiful....We’re so thrilled.”— Henry Chu (@HenryHChu) July 23, 2013


Prince Charles arrives at the hospital to see his grandson. Three princes in one room: Charles, William, and He Who Has Not Been Named.— Henry Chu (@HenryHChu) July 23, 2013


PHOTOS: Royal baby arrivesRoyal baby’s relatives ‘overjoyed,’ but what did world say?

Royal baby: Heirs get big front page play. Spares? Not so much

Britain welcomes William & Kate’s baby boy, 3rd in line to throne
