It would take 1,166 Dodgers Stadiums to hold everyone displaced by violence and persecution - Los Angeles Times

It would take 1,166 Dodgers Stadiums to hold everyone displaced by violence and persecution

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If they formed a line with a man, woman or child standing every two feet, the world’s displaced would stretch almost all the way around the Earth’s equator.

At the end of 2015, 65.3 million people were living displaced after fleeing persecution, conflict, violence or human rights violations, according to a United Nations refugee report released this week. It’s the world’s largest number of displaced people since the World War II era.

About 11.7 million were Syrian, forced from their homes by the country’s civil war. Millions of others include Palestinians, Afghans, Somalis and citizens of Sudan and South Sudan. United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has called it “the biggest refugee and displacement crisis of our time.”

Here are three examples of what it would take to hold 65.3 million people:

1,166 Dodgers Stadiums
1,166 Dodgers Stadiums (@latimesgraphics)

Sources: The United Nations, NASA, Major League Baseball, Airbus and the Queen Mary
