The 129 Paris victims were from 19 countries, and many were under age 30 - Los Angeles Times

The 129 Paris victims were from 19 countries, and many were under age 30

People gather outside the French Embassy in Mexico City on Nov. 16, 2015, in solidarity with the victims of the attacks in Paris.

People gather outside the French Embassy in Mexico City on Nov. 16, 2015, in solidarity with the victims of the attacks in Paris.

(Alfredo Estrella / AFP/Getty Images)
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The global reach of the attacks in Paris that killed at least 129 and injured hundreds more continued to grow as the names and nationalities of the dead emerged.

French President Francois Hollande said Monday that the victims were of 19 different nationalities and that the attackers targeted “youth in all its diversity” with the string of bombings and shootings across central Paris on Friday.

The attackers aimed for “the France that likes life, culture, sports, parties,” Hollande said in a special joint session of Parliament at the Palace of Versailles.


They were French, American, Mexican, Italian. They were Moroccan, Algerian, Chilean, Spanish. They were daughters and fathers, teachers and students. And they were, by and large, young: many under the age of 30.

Here are some of their stories:

The death of Michelli Gil Jaimez, from the Mexican city of Tuxpan, was confirmed on Twitter by Javier Duarte, governor of Veracruz state.


According to the Mexican news outlet El Universal, Jaimez, 27, held dual Spanish citizenship and was at the bistro La Belle Equipe when gunmen opened fire. She was living in Paris and had studied at Emlyon Business School in France, according to her Facebook page.

On Oct. 26, her Italian boyfriend posted a photo on Facebook of the two of them together, clutching hands, her kissing his cheek. He had just proposed.

“She said yes!!!” he wrote, ecstatic.

This weekend, he wrote another short post, in Italian: “I love you, my love. Rest in peace.”


Amine Ibnolmobarak, 29, of Rabat, Morocco, was an architect and teacher at the ENSA Paris-Malaquais Architecture School, according to the Moroccan Times.

Ibnolmobarak and his wife, Maya, were dining at Le Carillon when the attack began. His wife was shot three times and “is currently in a very critical condition,” the news magazine reported. The Parisian Observatory of Tactical Urbanism said on Facebook that Amine Ibnolmobarak died on the restaurant’s terrace, where he had often dined.

Jean Attali, one of Ibnolmobarak’s former teachers, wrote on Facebook that he was “a young Muslim intellectual, who [impressed us] with the amazing graduate study he conducted on the pilgrimage to Mecca: a testimony of his faith, his sense in working on great popular gatherings, and a testimony of his intelligence and accomplishment.”

Lola Salines, of France, played for the roller derby team La Boucherie de Paris and died at the Bataclan concert hall, according to the team.

Salines wore No. 109 and went by the nickname Josie Ozzbourne.

“We’re devastated,” the team’s Facebook page said.

Her father, George Salines, had taken to Twitter after the attacks, desperately trying to find his daughter and using the hashtag #rechercheParis (#SearchParis).


On Saturday, he tweeted: “I have just had confirmation of the death of Lola. #LolaSalines #rechercheParis. Thanks to all who helped us today.”

Elodie Breuil, 23, of France, was a design student at Ecole de Conde who had marched in a Paris rally with her mother in January after the attacks on the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, her brother, Alexis Breuil, told TIME.

On Friday, Elodie Breuil and half a dozen of her friends went to the Eagles of Death Metal concert at the Bataclan, her brother said.

Kheireddine Sahbi, 29, of Algeria, was a violinist nicknamed “Didine” by his friends, the Algerian news outlet Chouf-Chouf reported. He had been living in Paris, studying music at the Sorbonne.

The university said in a statement that he was a master student in ethnomusicology and was shot as he was returning home in the 10th arrondissement. According to the school, two other students, Marion Lieffrig-Petard and Suzon Garrigues, also died in the attacks.

Chilean exile Patricia San Martin Nunez, 61, and her daughter Elsa Delplace, 35, died together at the Bataclan, the Associated Press reported. They were the niece and grandniece, respectively, of the Chilean ambassador to Mexico, Ricardo Nunez, the Chilean Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

San Martin Nunez had been exiled during the dictatorship of Gen. Augusto Pinochet and her daughter was born in France, the AP reported.


Guillaume B. Decherf of France was a music journalist for the magazine Les Inrocks, where he wrote about rock and metal music. His last criticism was about the latest Eagles of Death Metal album, “Zipper Down,” and he died at the band’s concert at the Bataclan.

“All the newspaper is shocked by his death,” Les Inrocks said in a statement. “Our thoughts are with his family and loved ones.”

He left behind two daughters, the magazine said.

Mathieu Hoche, 38, of France, was a cameraman for France 24 news channel and also died at the Bataclan. The channel said he left behind a 6-year-old son and was passionate about rock ’n’ roll.

A friend who worked with him told the Associated Press that “even though he laughed easily and joked around, he worked hard.”

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