Who is Javier Milei, Argentina's Trump-loving next president? - Los Angeles Times

Who is Javier Milei, Argentina’s Trump-loving, culture-warring libertarian president-elect?

A man with large sideburns speaks into a microphone.
Argentina’s president-elect, Javier Milei, a self-described libertarian “anarcho-capitalist,” has suggested people should be allowed to sell their own vital organs.
(Natacha Pisarenko / Associated Press)
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His legions of fans call him “the madman” and “the wig” due to his ferocity and unruly mop of hair. He refers to himself as “the lion.” He claims sex education is a Marxist plot to destroy the family, views his cloned mastiffs as his “children with four paws” and has suggested people should be allowed to sell their own vital organs.

He is Javier Milei, Argentina’s next president.

A few years ago, Milei was a television talking head whom bookers loved because his screeds against government spending and the ruling political class boosted ratings. At the time, and up until mere months ago, hardly any political expert believed he had a real shot at becoming president of South America’s second-largest economy.


But Milei, a 53-year-old economist, has rockedArgentina’s political estab- lishment and inserted himself into what has long been essentially a two-party system by amassing a groundswell of support with his prescriptions of drastic measures to rein in soaring inflation and by pledging to crusade against what he calls the creep of socialism in society.


At the heart of his economic plan for Argentina is a proposal to replace the local currency, the peso, with the U.S. dollar. He has repeatedly said the only way to end the scourge of inflation, which has topped 140%, is to prevent politicians from continuing to print money. As such, he plans to extinguish the Central Bank.

The libertarianism of Milei, a self-described “anarcho-capitalist,” was a novelty for Argentina.


He has spoken in favor of loosening the country’s labor laws and promoted a vision of starkly smaller government to boost economic growth. That entails eliminating half the government ministries, including health and education. As a symbol of the deep cuts he champions, he has at times campaigned with a revving chain saw in hand.

Populist Javier Milei wins Argentina’s presidential election, swinging the country to the right after a polarized campaign in which he promised a dramatic shake-up.

Nov. 19, 2023

Reducing the state’s size dovetails with his calls for the “political caste” to be purged from Argentina’s government, much as former President Trump claimed he would “drain the swamp” in reference to the U.S. political establishment. Milei has often drawn comparisons to Trump, a leader he openly admires.

Before entering the public spotlight, Milei was chief economist at Corporación America, one of Argentina’s largest business conglomerates, which, among other things, runs most of the country’s airports. He worked there until 2021, when he won his seat as a lawmaker.


Culture warrior

Milei doesn’t just see himself as a right-leaning politician, but also as a culture warrior with the mission of shaking up Argentine society. Some of Milei’s positions appear to echo far-right Republicans in the U.S., and his fiery, profanity-laden rhetoric has lifted him to prominence in the global culture war.

Milei opposes feminist policies and abortion, which Argentina legalized in recent years, and has proposed a plebiscite to repeal the law. He also rejects the evidence that humans have a role in causing climate change. In a television appearance, he denounced Pope Francis, who is Argentine, as an “imbecile” for defending social justice and called the head of the Roman Catholic Church “the representative of malignance on Earth.”

Far-right populist Javier Milei has rocked Argentina’s political establishment by emerging as the biggest vote-getter in the presidential primary.

Aug. 14, 2023

In the same vein as Trump’s slogan, “Make America Great Again,” Milei has said he will return his country to an unspecified period of greatness.

“Argentina is going to reclaim the place in the world that it should never have lost,” Milei said at his victory rally Sunday. His followers have embraced the comparison, and often wear hats bearing the words “Make Argentina Great Again.”

Personal life

The son of a passenger transport businessman and a homemaker, Milei doesn’t like to talk much about his childhood and has said his young years were marked by a tense relationship with his father.

A younger Milei played in a Rolling Stones tribute band and served as a goalkeeper in the youth divisions of the Chacarita soccer club. But he decided to put aside soccer during the hyperinflation period of the late 1980s to study economics.


These days, the only family member with whom he has a close relationship is his sister, Karina Milei, who ran his campaign. He calls her “the boss,” and has repeatedly characterized her as the architect of his rise to power.

During his repeated television appearances, Milei didn’t just talk about economics and politics. He also delved into his personal life and once presented himself as an expert in tantric sex, openly discussing how he had repeatedly participated in group sex and providing tips.

For much of his adult life, Milei did not have a serious romantic partner and he isn’t known to have friends. After saying for months that he didn’t have time to date, he started a relationship in July with actor and artist Fátima Flórez. She is known for her imitations of Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, who was president from 2007 to 2015.

Millions of disaffected voters are planning to cast their ballots Sunday for right-wing populist and self-described anarcho-capitalist Javier Milei.

Oct. 19, 2023

Milei had a deep connection with his English mastiff, Conan, who died. He now has at least four others reportedly cloned using Conan’s DNA, all of which are named after economists.

Despite the “wig” nickname, Milei’s hair is real.
