Tired of working from home? Hotels offer day use from $69 - Los Angeles Times

Tired of working from home? Luxury SoCal hotels offer day use from $69

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Tired of working from home? Now you can set up your virtual office at a luxury hotel for a day or two without staying overnight.

CDC offers guidelines about travel during the coronavirus outbreak. But the decision is yours

April 16, 2020

Estancia La Jolla Hotel & Spa in the Torrey Pines area of La Jolla is offering what it calls Zen Office rooms for weekday use from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., starting at $69. You also can spring for a wellness suite that comes equipped with Mirror workouts to add some exercise “play” to your workday.

“We want to stay connected to our community and [have been] listening to what our consumers were telling us,” says Estancia’s manager, Paul Maddison.


Sister property Pasea Hotel & Spa in Huntington Beach makes the same offer.

Estancia, which follows local ordinances and CDC guidelines, has remained open during the COVID-19 pandemic. Occupancy levels have fallen to 5% to 10% at the 210-room property set on 10 acres. Those who opt for the daytime escape may look out at or roam the gardens (while practicing social distancing).


Rooms come with free Wi-Fi/internet, two-line speaker phone, coffee and tea in your room, “touchless” in-room dining delivered to your door (for an extra fee), free parking and a free bottle of wine.

As U.S. faces its most trying coronavirus pandemic days, industry leaders imagine the future of travel.

April 21, 2020

How does the hotel clean its rooms?

First, used rooms are left empty for 72 hours, Maddison said. Then, windows are opened to air it out and cleaning begins. Laundry is done on-site to avoid contact with others outside the hotel. High-touch areas, such as doorknobs and remote controls, and the rest of the room are disinfected.

Food service for guests includes hot sandwiches, cold salads, craft cocktails in a bottle or a sealed glass of wine. And check-in is designed to be touchless too. In a way, Maddison and his team are testing new protocols for the hotel that may be needed even after stay-at-home orders ease.


As for local and state stay-at-home orders, Maddison says each person has to decide for themselves what they feel comfortable doing. His hotel offers the option for those who need some daytime space.

Of course, the hotel remains open for overnight guests too, starting at $225 at Estancia and $285 at Pasea.
