What are you doing on your vacation? Taking great photos for our annual readers issue, we hope - Los Angeles Times

What are you doing on your vacation? Taking great photos for our annual readers issue, we hope

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If you’ve never submitted a photo for our annual “What I Did on My Summer Vacation” issue, we have only one question: Why not?

If you have an iPhone 8 or iPhone X, a Galaxy S8 or S9, you have a 12-megapixel camera with you. A Huawei P20 Pro? One of its three cameras is a 40MP model.

In terms of equipment, mobile phones have leveled the playing field. There are camera buffs who will use their DSLRs to great effect, but we’ve seen a huge increase in terrific entries that rely only on the cellphone camera.


Now all you need is the subject, which can be anything related to travel. Beautiful scenics. Folks having fun. Lighting that sets the subject aglow.

Any of those could be part of our Sept. 16 photo issue, which will run online and in print.


We’ll consider photos shot from Friday, May 25, through Monday, Sept. 3, 2018.

Our team of editors and photographers will evaluate the photos and make the selections accordingly.

What influences a decision to include a photo like Matt Cohen’s shot (below) of a lavender field in France?


You should try to capture a moment — a child’s look of joy, a wave that is about to crash on a beach, exquisite light that makes a scene look more like a painting.

Remember, this is for the Travel section, so a picture that shows us where in the world you spent your summer vacation — a photo that provides a sense of place — is important.

If you take photos of people, who are they and what is their story? Spontaneous action also earns points.

Here’s how to submit:

Email your photos with the subject “Summer Vacation Photo Issue” to [email protected]. (Note that photos larger than 10MB will bounce back.)

Upload them to Flickr, or hashtag them on Instagram with #latimestravel2018


Please make sure you pay attention to these details:

Large, high-resolution photos: They need to be at least 1,600 pixels wide and 900 pixels deep and at least 200 dpi (dots per inch). Photos should be at least 1 megabyte; 5MB is ideal, but more than 10MB is too large.

No pros: We’re looking for talented amateurs, not professional photographers. If you make some of your living as a professional photographer, please do not submit.

No alterations: You can’t use a photo editing tool to take out or add elements. If there’s an ugly trash can in your otherwise great shot, you can’t take it out.

Spring/summer 2018 photos: Photos must have been taken from Friday, May 25 through Monday, Sept. 3.

Deadline for submissions: Sept. 5.

Include your name, city of residence, date and place of photo and an email or phone number where we can reach you for verification; we won’t print your email or phone number, but we may need to clarify something about the photo.

Describe the photo: What’s happening? Who is in it? Please include the names of the subjects. What prompted you to take the picture?

What kind of camera did you use? Smartphone photos are fine, by the way; we love knowing that they can be used for great photography.


Agreement: By submitting your photos, you agree that The Times may reproduce your photos in any format.

Limit: Please limit submissions to no more than 10 photos.

[email protected]

