What punishment should Steve Sarkisian receive from USC? [Poll] - Los Angeles Times

What punishment should Steve Sarkisian receive from USC? [Poll]

USC football Coach Steve Sarkisian.

USC football Coach Steve Sarkisian.

(Mark J. Terrill / Associated Press)
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"I sincerely apologize to my players and staff and to our fans for my behavior and my inappropriate language at our kickoff event Saturday night."

Those are the words of USC football Coach Steve Sarkisian, who is under fire today for apparently being inebriated while addressing the audience at USC's Salute to Troy event Saturday.

As Times columnist Bill Plaschke wrote, "The biggest issue here isn't the curse word that Sarkisian used on stage — audible in a brief video clip — or that he apparently ripped several other schools by saying, 'They all suck.' This sort of trash talking is easily forgiven when it comes from excited coaches during pep-rally style events; just ask UCLA's Jim Mora.

"The biggest issue is that Sarkisian made these statements while apparently impaired, even though this was one night when he absolutely had to know he would need his wits about him. The judgment here wasn't just lacking, it was nonexistent, which should scare USC into wondering whether this issue could run far deeper than one night and a couple of cocktails."

USC Athletic Director Pat Haden met with Sarkisian about the event, saying, "I met with Coach Sarkisian and I expressed my disappointment. While details of our conversation will remain between us, I'm confident he heard my message loud and clear."

So if you were USC, what would you do about Sarkisian? What kind of punishment would you give him? Vote in our poll and let us know.
