President Trump confirms government assistance for 2028 Olympics - Los Angeles Times

President Trump confirms government will assist L.A. during 2028 Olympics

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In a meeting with local Olympic organizers Tuesday afternoon, President Trump confirmed the government will provide assistance with security and other services when Los Angeles hosts the 2028 Summer Games.

As has been the case with past Olympics on American soil, federal officials will convey “National Special Security Event” status on the 17-day competition, with the potential for hundreds of millions in resources.

Signing the commitment, Trump called the Games “a big deal.”

“We’re going to give them tremendous support,” he told reporters. “You need the support of the federal government to make it really work.”


The LA 2028 organizing committee has proposed a budget of almost $7 billion for the Games, vowing to cover all costs through sponsorships, ticket sales and other revenue sources. But the International Olympic Committee requires host cities to secure additional backing from their governments.

U.S. officials initially agreed to help when L.A. bid for the 2024 Summer Games. That arrangement had to be updated in the wake of an unusual bid deal that awarded 2024 to Paris and has L.A. waiting another four years.

President Trump has pardoned Edward DeBartolo Jr., the former San Francisco 49ers owner convicted in a gambling fraud scandal.

Feb. 18, 2020

The assistance will encompass not only security but also transportation support, telecommunications and environmental contributions.


“Our goal is to create a safe, successful and secure Olympic Games,” LA 28 chairman Casey Wasserman said. “And that’s not possible without the support you and the federal government have provided us.”

Sarah Hirshland, chief executive of the U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Committee, and Wasserman attended Tuesday’s official signing of the commitments at the Montage Beverly Hills. The meeting marked the start of a three-day Western swing during which Trump will attend fundraisers and hold rallies in cities including Bakersfield, Phoenix and Las Vegas.
