Watch player miss free throw after fingernail gets caught in nose - Los Angeles Times

Watch player miss free throw after fingernail gets caught in nose

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I hate it when this happens to me, but at least I’m not alone. Shanteona Keys, a guard on Georgia College’s women’s basketball team, was fouled during a game against Columbus State last weekend.

Normally, this isn’t a problem. Keys is an 81.5% free-throw shooter for the season, so it looked like two easy points at the foul line.

But then something unexpected happened. Keys’ first attempt landed about 12 feet short of the rim. It’s hard to miss a free throw that badly, so what exactly happened?


Well, according to Keys, she shoots the ball so close to her face when attempting a free throw that her index finger occasionally will strike her nose.

“On that shot, I just followed through too close to my face,” she told “And my fingernail got caught in my nose, so I couldn’t follow through correctly on the shot.

“It actually happens to me a lot in practice. It’s just never happened in a game before, with cameras rolling.”


Georgia College lost by 16 points, so the missed free throw didn’t matter. But will someone please send her for a manicure?


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