Ingredients: Water – AQUA Carpatica's Labelling and Ingredients are Clear and All Natural - Los Angeles Times

Ingredients: Water – AQUA Carpatica’s Labelling and Ingredients are Clear and All Natural

Aqua carpatica water bottle
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Still. Sparkling. Mineral. Purified. Distilled ... We are all just thirsty for water, that refreshing source of life that those from 0 to 99-plus need every day. But with so many options on the shelf, how does anyone know what, exactly, they are drinking?

The answer, says AQUA Carpatica, comes straight from the source: that is, the natural spring. Known since Antiquity as a refreshing and homeopathic remedy, AQUA Carpatica is sourced entirely in the Carpathian Mountains of Romania. The craggy range, with peaks soaring to almost 9,000 feet, is indelibly marked in history and popular culture as the home of Transylvania, but its non-fictional claim to fame is the home of abundant natural resources, including salt mines and natural springs.

The AQUA Carpatica spring, in the Bucovina region, is marked by unspoiled beauty, wildflower meadows, a large bear and lynx population, and icy streams, all seemingly leading to a spring water source unmatched in Europe and worldwide. There, the water is bottled as it is: no human intervention needed. How is this possible? It all comes down to what kind of water you’re drinking. AQUA Carpatica is considered natural spring water, a designation given to water that is bottled at the source that is safe to drink from and has not undergone any industrial processes. Many bottled waters are stripped of natural minerals, considered “dead water,” or have their distinctions added in processing, such as salts or carbonation.

aqua carpatica spring source

AQUA Carpatica features natural mineral content from eons of filtration through the rocks underlying the Carpathian range. In addition, latent volcanism has given the spring water a natural, light carbonation. While many drink sparkling water, natural sparkling is unlike the harsh, bitter CO2 added to carbonated water. Instead, the natural sparkling profile of AQUA Carpatica is refreshing and a natural digestif.

The single-sourcing of the water also offers something many producers cannot - consistency. AQUA Carpatica features a fixed level of mineral content, carbonation and purity due to its geologically paced filtration process.

In addition, the source of the water, the protected Paltinis spring, is virtually untouched by human industrialization - no agricultural runoff, building or chemical processing occurs anywhere near the spring or its sources. This all but guarantees a truly pure water source.

Pure water is good for everyone. Unlike processed water, spring water has beneficial minerals and lacks certain compounds that can be harmful to natural digestive processes. Principal among these is nitrates, which are highly regulated in drinking water across Europe and the U.S. Excessive nitrates in the human body can create many negative health outcomes, and this is especially true in infants and children. Giving kids pure water can be vital to their health. Additionally, natural spring water features electrolytes, owing to its slight alkaline composition. These minerals actually increase hydration - perfect for that first sip after a workout, hike or any other activity.

AQUA Carpatica’s purity would also not come without strong stewardship - part of its company profile (and the leadership of parent company Valvis Holding SA) is to maintain the unique and priceless pure water source and ones like it.

Strong environmental concern allows natural spring water sources to continue to thrive, and in a time where the effects of global warming and pollution are coming into sharp focus, assets like pure water become more and more precious. The next time you’re shopping for water for the family or the next time you’re simply parched, think about what you’re going to put in your body before you buy: The answer should be, well, “only natural.”
