Who's running, how to vote and everything else you need to know for today's primary - Los Angeles Times

Who’s running, how to vote and everything else you need to know for today’s primary

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It’s election day! If you’re headed to the polls, you might need a quick refresher on everything that’s on the ballot. 

The Los Angeles Times’ political team has you covered. 

First, a primer on who can vote. Any of the 17.9 million people who registered ahead of the May 23 deadline can cast votes. 

At the top of the ticket, only Republicans can vote in the Republican presidential contest. Democrats allow decline-to-state voters commonly called independents to participate in that contest. 

Next on the ballot is the U.S. Senate race, a contest with 34 candidates. The top-two finishers Tuesday will advance to the Nov. 8 general election. 

The rest of the ballot also follows that system: the top-two finishers will face each other in November, regardless of party.  

Voters have a choice in contests for congressional seats, state Assembly and state Senate districts, local contests like the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, municipal initiatives and one statewide ballot dealing with ethics in the Legislature. You can study up using the links below.

Polls open at 7 a.m. and close at 8 p.m. Find your polling place here.

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U.S. Senate race

'What ifs' and wildcards: 10 things you need to know about California's U.S. Senate primary »

California's U.S. Senate race heads into the home stretch »

In California, picking a U.S. Senate candidate could be 'like throwing darts at a dart board' »

These California mega-donors haven't given a penny in the U.S. Senate race »

Poll finds Senate hopeful Loretta Sanchez strong among Latino voters but few others »

Atty. Gen. Kamala Harris overwhelmingly wins state Democratic Party endorsement »

Kamala Harris should take bolder action on police shootings, civil rights advocates say »

Senate candidate's 'mind control slavery' research and other odd finds in California's new voter guide »

Sanchez no-show at UFW convention is missed opportunity for California's U.S. Senate race »

'Kamala Harris was fearless': Elizabeth Warren and Dolores Huerta star in Senate hopeful's new ad campaign »

Loretta Sanchez touts votes against Iraq War and Wall Street bailout in new TV ads »

Rep. Loretta Sanchez responds to criticism over comment on Muslims »

Democratic convention: Loretta Sanchez apologizes for Native American 'war cry' »

Democrat Loretta Sanchez may need an assist from GOP voters in Senate race »

Kamala Harris lands La Opinin endorsement for Senate »

Congressional races

From Sacramento to South L.A., here are the Congressional races we're watching »

CD 17: Silicon Valley congressman gets three donations for legal defense fund, spends $0 »

CD 20: Sam Farr, Democratic congressman in Monterey County, retiring »

CD 21: Emilio Huerta, son of labor icon, jumps into Central Valley congressional race »

CD 24: Celebrity donors pour money into this open California congressional seat »

CD 24: How does a 28-year-old raise more than $1 million for a congressional bid »

CD 24: A farmer and a former UCLA football player are running for Congress. Here's why you should pay attention »

CD 25: Democratic lawyer announcing challenge to GOP Rep. Steve Knight »

CD 25: Why activists in these California swing districts are feuding with the national Democratic Party »

CD 25: As Porter Ranch gas leak lingers, candidates smell a political opportunity »

CD 29: Rep. Cardenas spends 40% of reelection fund on legal fees, but his lawyer denies federal probe »

CD 29: With convictions overturned, Richard Alarcon says he'll run against Rep. Tony Cardenas »

CD 31: Another Republican jumps into race to challenge Rep. Pete Aguilar »

CD 32: Assemblyman challenging fellow Democrat Rep. Grace Napolitano in San Gabriel Valley »

CD 32: California congresswoman vows to stay in reelection race after mild stroke »

CD 32: Judge orders West Covina assemblyman to stay away from wife following domestic violence allegations »

CD 32: Assemblyman Roger Hernndez faces new accusations of domestic violence in court »

CD 44: Emily's List backs Nanette Barragan, signaling heated House race in L.A. area »

CD 44: Video from a previous election used as ammunition in hot House race in South L.A. »

CD 44: Race, oil and the environment all play into this L.A. congressional race »

CD 44: Did Isadore Hall's congressional campaign break federal election law? »

CD 46: For the first time, some Orange County voters might be choosing between two Democrats for Congress »

Legislative races

Top legislative races in California: What we're watching »

Female politicians are losing ground in California »

Why Donald Trump keeps popping up in local races he has nothing to do with »

AD 31: The newest Assembly member is following in his father's footsteps »

AD 39: Assemblywoman: 'I don't feel respected' by Democratic colleagues as some help her rival »

AD 43: In this Glendale Assembly district, Armenian Americans could be key »

AD 47: San Bernardino Assembly race could define what it means to be an Inland Empire Democrat »

AD 47: Election high jinks? Why these interest groups are backing a Republican and a Democrat in the same Assembly race »

SD 35: Whoops! Compton politician posts endorsements -- from people who didn't endorse him »

Voting logistics & questions

I'm an independent voter and want to vote in California's presidential primary: Now what? »

Are you really an 'independent?' You aren't if you checked this box. »

Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two »

In their own words: These Californians signed up for the wrong party by mistake »

Ballot measures and local issues

Corruption scandals spawn ballot measure that would let lawmakers suspend colleagues without pay »

Police shootings, affordable housing and billions in school bonds on local ballots this week »

One expensive election

Independent expenditures 101: An introduction to outside spending in state races »

With a record $24 million spent on the election so far, are special interests trying to buy their way into the Legislature? »

Here's how Kamala Harris spent $600,000 on 19 consultants in a Senate race »

Turnout, turnout, turnout

The California primary matters for the first time in decades. 25 voters tell us what they care about »

For those with lots of time: Candidate profiles

Senate hopeful Tom Del Beccaro is forging his own version of the California GOP »

Controversial English-only crusader sets his sights on California's Senate race »

How race helped shape the politics of Senate candidate Kamala Harris »

Duf Sundheim resists the moderate label »

California's next senator could be a Latina. Will her past mistakes get in the way? »

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