New York Mayor Bill de Blasio joins Democratic race for president - Los Angeles Times

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio joins Democratic race for president

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio.
(Yana Paskova / Getty Images)
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New York Mayor Bill de Blasio announced Thursday that he will seek the Democratic nomination for president, adding his name to an already long list of candidates itching for a chance to take on Donald Trump.

The mayor announced his run with a video released by his campaign.

“There’s plenty of money in this world. There’s plenty of money in this country. It’s just in the wrong hands,” De Blasio says at the beginning of the video.

He concludes: “I’m running for president because it’s time we put working people first.”

In announcing his candidacy, De Blasio seeks to claim a role on the national stage that has eluded him as mayor of the biggest city in America.


When he took office in 2014, De Blasio seemed briefly poised to become a leading voice for an emerging left wing of the Democratic Party.

But liberal enthusiasm faded over his first term, partly because of political missteps at home and the emergence of bigger names elsewhere. He could face obstacles trying to distinguish himself in a crowded field.

During a Thursday morning appearance on “Good Morning America,” De Blasio borrowed one of Trump’s favorite tactics by giving the president a disparaging nickname: “Con Don.”


“He’s a con artist. I know his tricks, I know his playbook,” the mayor said.

Earlier this week, De Blasio held a news conference in the lobby of Trump Tower to blame the skyscraper for contributing to air pollution.

But the event also drew a group of Trump supporters who heckled De Blasio.

On Thursday Trump tweeted that De Blasio was “considered the worst mayor in the U.S.”

The president continued, “He is a JOKE, but if you like high taxes & crime, he’s your man. NYC HATES HIM!”

De Blasio, 58, has drawn small audiences so far in visits to early primary states including Iowa, South Carolina, Nevada and New Hampshire, where an audience of six showed up for a mental health discussion.


A recent Quinnipiac University poll found 76% of New York City voters say they believe he shouldn’t run.

De Blasio’s hometown press has, so far, delighted in disparaging his presidential hopes.

“De Blasio for President? Nah,” read one recent New York Times headline summing up the city’s reaction to his possible candidacy.

“Who hasn’t told Bill de Blasio that he shouldn’t run for president?” asked New York Magazine.

The New York Post on Thursday published a front-page picture simply showing a group of people laughing hysterically at the thought of a De Blasio presidential run.

De Blasio, though, has remained undaunted by the obstacles and said he believes he has a message that can resonate with the American public.

On Thursday, when asked about the Quinnipiac poll, De Blasio laughed and pointed out that those same voters had elected him to office twice.


“You know, I got elected mayor with 73% of the vote originally, reelected with 67% of the vote,” he said. “I think you’d agree that the poll that actually matters is the election.”

Political observers said that even if De Blasio’s candidacy doesn’t catch fire, he’ll be able to promote his policies and potentially angle for a job in a future Democratic administration. He is barred by term limits from running for mayor again.

“If he ran a strong and credible campaign, it could enhance his stature for gaining a major appointment or becoming a significant player, particularly if a Democrat is elected president,” said Michael Malbin, a professor of political science at the University at Albany.

But Matthew Dallek, an associate professor of political management at George Washington University, said a losing White House campaign wouldn’t come without risks.

“If his legacy is that a crisis happened and he was off campaigning in Iowa, that’s significant,” Dallek said. “So yeah, there are risks.”

On the campaign trail, De Blasio will be able to cite accomplishments like expanding full-day prekindergarten and curtailing police tactics that critics said were discriminatory, while presiding over continued drops in violent crime.


His central message remains fighting income inequality.

De Blasio was born Warren Wilhelm Jr. in 1961 but took his mother’s family name in adulthood because, he said, his father was “largely absent” from his life. The mayor has spoken about how his father, Warren Wilhelm, a veteran who lost part of his left leg in World War II, descended into alcoholism and killed himself when De Blasio was 18.

Born in New York City, De Blasio grew up in the Boston area and has provoked New York sports fans by rooting ardently for the Boston Red Sox. He graduated from New York University and earned a master’s degree from Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs.

De Blasio met his wife, Chirlane McCray, when they both worked for Democratic Mayor David Dinkins. They married in 1994 and have two children, Chiara and Dante.
