More billionaires should give away their fortunes - Los Angeles Times

Letters to the Editor: More billionaires should be like MacKenzie Scott and give away their fortunes

MacKenzie Scott with Jeff Bezos in 2018.
MacKenzie Scott, with her then-husband Jeff Bezos in 2018, announced that her most recent round of charitable giving totaled $4.2 billion.
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To the editor: I find it disturbing that our society has become so cynical that even a good deed, such as the $4.2 billion in charitable gifts by MacKenzie Scott, garnered criticism from some of your readers.

Regardless of how you look at it, Scott’s wealth was achieved through legal means, and any charitable gesture proffered should be encouraged, especially during this pandemic. I too am distressed by the expanding wealth gap in our society, but the remedy can be achieved through the ballot box only.

Let’s hope that Scott’s giving will serve as the volcanic eruption causing a tsunami of goodwill by her fellow billionaires.


John T. Chiu, Newport Beach


To the editor: One letter writer wants to direct private fortunes into public funds so our elected representatives can decide on the use.

Remember: L.A. public officials built “tiny homes” for unhoused residents when other cities spent less than $50,000 apiece on them.


And what is our national debt?

Also remember: The billionaires made money to give away. Duly elected representatives increase taxes to throw good taxpayer dollars at bad decisions.

Andrew Ko, San Marino
