Trump in a mask should not be news, but that's our world now - Los Angeles Times

Letters to the Editor: Trump wearing a mask should not be news, but that’s our world now

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To the editor: It is certainly a sad day for us all when the president wears a mask during a pandemic, and it is a news item. (“Trump wears a mask in public for the first time since COVID-19 pandemic started,” July 11)

President Trump should have been setting an example from Day One and worn the mask. His refusal to do so up until now has encouraged many to shun wearing masks.

But now that we are finding that wearing a mask also protects the wearer (of course!), maybe the president will wear one in more circumstances, since he is his No. 1 priority and not the person he is standing next to.


Holly Gordon, Fountain Valley


To the editor: When was the last time a president did something so normal, so logical, so human, so compassionate, that his actions were so unlike the “leader of the free world,” that it warranted the opening segment of most news shows Sunday, and it appeared in the newspaper?

Something is terribly amiss if wearing a mask in a hospital setting by anyone should be newsworthy.


Daniel Gruenberg, Los Angeles


To the editor: The significance of Trump wearing — or not wearing — a mask has taken on a life of its own.

His defiance of all experts’ recommendations on almost every issue is a pattern. He’s never manifested any concern for others and is consistently focused entirely on himself.


He is and always has been oblivious and dismissive of others. His refusal, until recently, to wear a mask is just the latest example.

Sometimes, a mask is just a mask.

Judy Brooks, Sherman Oaks
