Impeachment is a waste of time. Just defeat Trump in 2020 - Los Angeles Times

Readers React: Impeachment is a waste of time. Just defeat Trump in 2020

Special counsel Robert S. Muller III speaks at the Department of Justice in Washington on May 29.
Special counsel Robert S. Muller III speaks at the Department of Justice in Washington on May 29.
(Carolyn Kaster / AP)
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To the editor: With Robert S. Mueller III having finished his investigation and resigned as the Justice Department special counsel, whatever happens to President Trump is now in the hands of Congress, and that is scary in itself.

It seems that the House will never be satisfied until every shred of evidence concerning the president is exposed and examined, and perhaps impeachment or censure is recommended. It also seems clear that none of these is likely to succeed.

Meanwhile the president has made it clear he will not work with a Congress that is investigating him. So, does the legislative process just stop?


It seems to me that the responsible action for the House to take is to get on with all the legislative initiatives its members favor, subdue all these hearings, take care of the people’s business and see if one of these candidates can defeat Trump in 2020. Otherwise months will be wasted when much is needed on healthcare and immigration.

Tom Bond, Studio City


To the editor: “No collusion, no obstruction,” says Trump at his rallies. But, the Mueller report provides a damning assessment of his administration.


Six former Trump advisors were indicted. Some cases were referred out to other prosecutors. Although there was not enough evidence to make a criminal conspiracy charge, the Trump campaign did nothing to report irregularities and stonewalled attempts to investigate Russian intervention.

Mueller’s report depicts an administration rife with policy disputes, back-stabbing and attempts to circumvent Trump’s worst decisions. If a publicly held company had constant turnover of upper management, or if rumors of chaos within the administration had become public, the stock would be tanking and the chief executive would be forced out.

Lucky for Trump, he is president of the United States and not a CEO.

Betty C. Duckman, Long Beach



To the editor: I agree with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) that, up to this point, getting a bipartisan impeachment victory would be a stretch and that a loss might strengthen the Trump base.

But momentum is building, Mueller has spoken, and the time is ripe for members of Congress to reach across the aisle to unite forces against the corruption of our American political system. Show the American people that we still have honest, law-abiding politicians on both sides by delivering a bipartisan consensus on impeachment.

Kelly Lowry, Topanga


To the editor: The L.A. Times’ editorial complains that Mueller’s public statement on Wednesday just wasn’t enough.

If Mueller had essentially called for impeachment, he rather than Congress would have been viewed as the initiator of the process. This would have caused the White House to double down on its attempt to discredit the FBI as the source of an ill-motivated “witch hunt.”


It is a remarkable tribute to the resilience of our system that Mueller could have said what he did Wednesday from within Trump’s own administration. He didn’t have to make that statement at all, and it perfectly sets the stage if he does testify before Congress.

Mueller is elegantly insisting that the ball is in Congress’ court and responsibility to act should rest accordingly.

Glenn Pascall, Dana Point

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