Can 2,500-year-old sequoias be saved by 25-year-old climate activists? - Los Angeles Times

Can 2,500-year-old sequoias be saved by 25-year-old climate activists?

A giant sequoia severely damaged by fire, surrounded by other scorched trees
A giant sequoia near Springville, Calif., was decapitated in the Castle fire in August 2020. Other such trees are under threat from wildfires currently raging in the Sierra Nevada.
(Los Angeles Times)
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Good morning. I’m Paul Thornton, and it is Saturday, Sept. 25, 2021. Today is the 131st birthday of Sequoia National Park, where most of its namesake ancient trees are still alive despite a second straight summer of assault from wildfires. Let’s take a look back at the week in Opinion.

Some of the giant sequoias in California’s Sierra Nevada germinated around the time the Roman Republic, predecessor to the empire, came into existence. The trees have survived wildfires and droughts before — even so-called megadroughts lasting hundreds of years — but they may finally succumb to climate change, and soon. Those of us preemptively grieving before the last groves of these gigantic trees inevitably burn away are almost certainly lucky enough to have vivid firsthand memories of standing in the shadow of these ancient life forms and feeling at once utterly insignificant and exhilarated.

What’s required to feel this kind of grief is a lesser version of what these trees have in abundance — age. You have to be old enough to remember what it was like in California when fires were mainly seasonal, more manageable and rarely burned with the intensity required to imperil 2,500-year-old trees. You have to remember a time when you could reliably plan a summer trip to the Sierras without fearing that a national park would suddenly close and evacuate visitors out of the path of an oncoming megafire.


Those of us over a certain age grieve for a reality we once experienced. Young people, on the other hand, were born into a world gripped by the climate crisis. For them, the grief, hope and other emotions typically expressed by older Americans over global warming are of no use.

Writing on The Times’ op-ed page, 25-year-old Daniel Propp identifies the only productive response by people like him — becoming an activist: “Beyond hope there is more than despair. There is determination, realism and action. There is a generation raised amid the ravages of a changing climate making every effort — a constant effort — to prevent the inevitable. The ship may sink, but we are going to swim like hell toward shore.”

It’s almost poetic: If anything saves these ancient trees, it could be the activism of young people like Propp. We should all be rooting for him.


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