Video letter: L.A.'s pets deserve better shelters, services - Los Angeles Times

Letters to the Editor: L.A.’s neglected pets deserve a better Animal Services department

VIDEO | 03:17
L.A. animal advocates are appalled at the state of the city’s shelters
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To the editor: We animal activists — who spend our time, energy and money loving this city’s unwanted and lost pets — deserve an animal services budget that works for us and the pets we care for. Instead, we are getting cuts. (“Bass’ budget proposal for Animal Services is far less than what department requested,” May 1)

Years ago, when cuts to the Animal Services department were proposed, I went to a City Council meeting to speak against that idea. I drove to City Hall from Pacific Palisades and waited for hours deep into the night to speak. When I got to the podium, I exclaimed, “Keep cutting their balls, but not their budget.”

Though the City Council voted against the cuts, things have not gotten better for our animals.


Frankly, most people don’t deserve pets. But a civilized society must take care of its underdogs, even if they are actually dogs.

Let’s get a budget that works. Let’s get a general manager who really cares about the discarded, lost and ill pets coming into the shelters, and let’s appreciate the volunteers who devote their time and money to caring for animals that so few others even think about.

The Times could do its part by refusing ads from breeders. You are part of the problem.

Patty Shenker, Woodland Hills


Editor’s note: This letter was written before Mayor Karen Bass named a new Animal Services general manager on June 1.
