Letters: Baca's view on county jails - Los Angeles Times

Letters: Baca’s view on county jails

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Re “Real reform of L.A.’s jails,” Editorial, Feb. 7

Your editorial ignores what my staff and I have done over the last several years to ensure the safety of Los Angeles County jails.

The incidents of alleged excessive force have been thoroughly investigated and turned over to the U.S. attorney’s office and the Los Angeles County district attorney’s office for their disposition.


Furthermore, I implemented a Custody Training Bureau that ensures deputies’ methods of force are well within the standards of justice. I have also created a force prevention policy, the first and only one of its kind in the nation.

I selected Terri McDonald as the new assistant sheriff for the custody division to continue our efforts to be the safest and most rehabilitative jail system in the nation. McDonald is going to focus on state realignment and the recommendations made by the Citizens’ Commission on Jail Violence. She is the perfect choice.

Lee Baca


Los Angeles

The writer is sheriff of Los Angeles County.



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