Letters: Chris Christie and GOP dirty tricks - Los Angeles Times

Letters: Chris Christie and GOP dirty tricks

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Re “Emails link Christie aide to scandal,” Jan. 8

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie denies direct responsibility for the retaliatory traffic jam in Fort Lee, whose mayor refused to endorse the governor for reelection. Christie may say the traffic tie-up was the action of rogue staff, but he must accept responsibility for presiding over a moral swamp in which such a vicious scheme would even be considered.

The GOP’s dirty tricks go back to Richard Nixon. The catalog of uncivil Republican actions demonstrates a lack of consideration for the interests of the American people: holding up important nominations, shutting down the government, threatening to default on the debt and doing everything possible to undermine healthcare reform (and having the chutzpah to complain about its implementation).

Marcia Goldstein


Laguna Woods


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