Rob Ford: The 'best father' and prime minister wannabe remains defiant - Los Angeles Times

Rob Ford: The ‘best father’ and prime minister wannabe remains defiant

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With all the recent drama surrounding Rob Ford, you have to wonder what the next stop is on the Toronto mayor’s “crazy train.” Even outside of Canada, Ford fatigue may be setting in.

Sunday saw him attending a Canadian Football League game -- despite being asked by the league commissioner not to -- in his “Mayor Ford” Argonauts jersey. The same day he told Fox News he wanted to run for prime minister.

On Monday, the Toronto City Council voted to strip Ford of much of his budget and transferred most of his important functions to the deputy mayor. At one point during the four-hour debate, the mayor created media fodder by knocking over a woman, whom he then helped back up. One councillor said the city and its leaders were suffering due to the mayor’s “crazy train.”


TIMELINE: Rob Ford’s chaotic six months

As the L.A. Times’ Carol J. Williams reported, Ford was defiant to the end, calling the proceedings a “coup d’etat.”

CNN featured a Rob Ford interview on “Anderson Cooper 360°” on Monday night. Here are four memorable Ford quotes:


--”I went down to City Hall, I cleaned it up. These people just aren’t happy, these councilors want me out. The media wants me out. I told the chief of police I want [inaudible]. You know, obviously he wants me out. I’m not going anywhere.”

--Asked about how he’s perceived by those outside Toronto and being lampooned by late-night comedians: “That’s right, they can make fun of me. ... You know, they can laugh at me all they want. They don’t -- they don’t know Rob Ford.”

--On his admission of crack use after months of denial: “I just had enough. I was just sick and tired of all these allegations and all this .... Excuse my words .... I shouldn’t swear in front of the kids but after all, I know what I’m doing is right. I’m serving the people. I’m saving taxpayers money. And you know what? I made mistakes. I drank too much. I smoked some crack sometimes. I -- what can I say? I made a mistake. I’m human.”


-- When asked about his children one day finding out about his drug use and drinking: “I’m the best father around .... I’m going to explain what they’re hearing. I’m straightforward with my kids. I take my kids out, and I bring them to my daughter’s dance lesson, I’m teaching my son how to skate. I’m way supportive. And my wife’s had some issues. Well, you just dismiss them, you just walk away? I don’t walk away from anyone, Bill, in life. I’m sitting here and support people that are down and out. All these rich, elitist people, I’m sick of them, I’m sick of them. No, they’re perfect, they don’t do nothing. Get out of here they don’t do nothing. They’re the biggest crooks around.”

What could be next for Rob Ford? He can still appear at official functions representing the city, which can’t boot him unless he’s convicted of a crime. Ford says he’s sought help, as Reuters reports, from “a team of healthcare professionals.” That in addition to his TV show and dreams of becoming Canada’s prime minister could keep him busy.

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