Campaign 2016 updates: Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton traverse the country in final push - Los Angeles Times

Campaign 2016 updates: Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton traverse the country in final push

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Donald Trump hits the road from Iowa to Pennsylvania and Hillary Clinton heads to New Hampshire.

Trump stokes terrorism fears, citing refugee ‘disaster’ in Minnesota

Eleven months after Donald Trump called for a ban on Muslims entering the United States, he is warning of terrorism anew with divisive rhetoric similar to what he championed after the Paris and San Bernardino attacks.

At an airport rally Sunday in Minneapolis, Trump said Minnesota had suffered a “disaster” as tens of thousands of Somali immigrants, some of them war refugees, had settled in the state over the last few decades.

“To be a rich nation, we must also be a safe nation, and you know what’s going on there,” he told the crowd. “Oh, Minnesota. Oh, Minnesota. You know what’s going on. You know what I’m talking about. Do you know what I’m talking about? Oh, be politically correct. Just nod. Quietly nod. The whole world knows what’s happening in Minnesota.”

Trump then criticized Hillary Clinton for supporting the admission of Syrian refugees to the United States, drawing a roar of boos for his Democratic rival.

“She wants virtually unlimited immigration and refugee admissions from the most dangerous regions of the world to come into our country, and to come into Minnesota, and you know better than anybody,” he said.

“Her plan will import generations of terrorism, extremism and radicalism into your schools and throughout your communities. You already have it. When I’m elected president, we will suspend the Syrian refugee program and we will keep radical Islamic terrorists the hell out of our country.”

It was one of Trump’s biggest applause lines in the final weekend of his campaign at rallies in North Carolina, Michigan and other states, and it drew thunderous chants of “USA, USA.”

Trump said Minnesota had seen first-hand the problems caused by “faulty refugee vetting, with large numbers of Somali refugees coming into your state without your knowledge, without your support or approval.”

Syrian refugees are subjected to more intense vetting than other immigrants, with multiple federal agencies investigating their background before they are admitted to the U.S. Church groups have helped many of them integrate into American society.

Offering no evidence, Trump said some Somali refugees in Minnesota had joined the Islamic State terrorist group and spread “their extremist views all over our country and all over the world.”

“Honestly, it’s hard to believe,” he said. “Everybody’s reading about the disaster taking place in Minnesota.... You don’t even have the right to talk about it. You don’t even know who’s coming in. You have no idea. You’ll find out.”

Trump mentioned the September stabbing of 10 people at a mall in St. Cloud, Minn., by a suspect who is the son of Somali refugees. He said his administration would not allow refugees to settle anywhere without the community’s approval.

Trump has never renounced his proposed Muslim ban, which is still posted on his website, but has modified his language in discussing it. At a rally Sunday night outside Detroit, he said he would “pause admissions from terror-prone regions of the world” until protections against terrorism are tightened.

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Khizr Khan with Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire: ‘Donald Trump, this isn’t your America’

Khizr Khan’s voice was slow and deliberate, just like it was months ago when he captivated the Democratic convention with the story of his son, a Muslim American soldier who died serving in Iraq.

And just like before, when he asked whether Donald Trump had read the U.S. Constitution, he had more questions for the Republican nominee on Sunday night when he appeared with Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

“Donald Trump, would my son, Capt. Humayun Khan, have a place in your America? Would Muslims have a place in your America? Would Latinos have a place in your America? Would African Americans have a place in your America? Would anyone who isn’t like you have a place in your America?”

The crowd was silent, then roared when Khan delivered his denouement. “Thankfully, Donald Trump, this isn’t your America,” he said.

Khan’s presence two days before the election is a reminder of one of the campaign’s lowest moments for Trump, who responded to the convention speech by criticizing Khan and his wife.

More recently, Khan has campaigned for Clinton in his home state in Virginia. He introduced her in Manchester, N.H., as someone who would “preserve fundamental American values.”

When Clinton took the podium, she thanked Khan for his support and made a nod toward the difficult task of mending fences after a divisive presidential campaign.

“We will have some work to do to bring about healing and reconciliation after this election,” she said.

Clinton is more popular than Trump in polls, but her favorability rating remains underwater. In the final days before the election, she’s repeatedly emphasized the high stakes of the campaign.

“Although my name and my opponent’s name might be on the ballot on Tuesday, what’s really on the ballot is what kind of country we want for our children and our grandchildren,” she said.

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Trump says the FBI knows Clinton is guilty of crimes

Hours after the FBI affirmed that Hillary Clinton would not be prosecuted for her private email server, Donald Trump said rank-and-file agents “won’t let her get away with her terrible crimes.”

At a rally Sunday night in this Detroit suburb, Trump cast doubt on the thoroughness of the FBI’s review of emails that Clinton advisor Huma Abedin kept on a computer belonging to her estranged husband, Anthony Weiner, the disgraced former New York congressman.

“You can’t review 650,000 new emails in eight days,” Trump told a rowdy crowd of thousands at an outdoor amphitheater. “You can’t do it, folks. Hillary Clinton is guilty. She knows it. The FBI knows it. The people know it. And now, it’s up to the American people to deliver justice at the ballot box on Nov. 8.”

The crowd repeatedly broke into loud chants of “Lock her up!” as Trump pounded Clinton for using a private email system when she was secretary of State.

Michigan was the third of five states where the Republican presidential nominee was campaigning Sunday. Clinton leads in Michigan polls, but is concerned enough about her standing here that she plans to campaign outside Grand Rapids on Monday.

Trump hopes that Michigan’s white blue-collar voters will propel him to an improbable victory here that could block Clinton’s path to the White House.

“We’re going to stop the jobs from going to Mexico and China and all over the world,” Trump told the crowd in Sterling Heights. “We’re going to make Michigan into the manufacturing hub of the world once again and no politician will do that. They don’t have a clue.”

Trump criticized Ford, Chrysler and other companies for their manufacturing in Mexico and other countries.

“It’s not going to happen if I’m president, believe me,” Trump said.

Trump also promised to end the “nightmare of violence” caused by immigrants in the country illegally.

“Keep ‘em out!” a man hollered from the audience.

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Comey’s all-clear mars Trump’s Minnesota visit

The timing of Donald Trump’s foray into blue-state Minnesota turned awkward Sunday when the FBI closed its Hillary Clinton email investigation just as the Republican nominee’s plane landed in Minneapolis.

The announcement by FBI Director James B. Comey undercut the central argument that Trump has made against Clinton in the closing days of the presidential race. He has repeatedly warned that her presidency, should she win Tuesday’s election, would be crippled by a federal indictment and a tangle of congressional investigations.

On a balmy November day at the Minneapolis airport, Trump stepped off his personal 737 to thunderous cheers from a few thousand supporters at a hangar rally as the soundtrack of the Hollywood thriller “Air Force One” boomed through loudspeakers.

Trump did not comment directly on Comey relieving Clinton of the threat of criminal charges on Sunday, just as he had once before in July. But Trump did say that Clinton was “protected by a rigged system.”

“She is the most corrupt person ever to seek the presidency of the United States,” Trump said.

Trump also tried to justify his decision to use a few of the scarce hours remaining before Tuesday’s election to dart into a state that no Republican has won since 1972. He said he was fighting for every vote and attacked Clinton for not bothering to campaign in Minnesota.

“She should be penalized,” he said. “Don’t vote for her. She’ll be a lousy president anyway, believe me.”

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Our final map has Clinton winning with 352 electoral votes. Compare your picks with ours.

We’ve updated our electoral map for the final time in this topsy-turvy campaign year.

For this version, our goal was no toss-ups. We’re giving you our best estimates, based on public polling, state vote histories and the reporting done by our campaign staff, on which way we think each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia will fall this year.

The previous version of the map had five toss-up states. In the end, we’re predicting that three of them -- North Carolina, Ohio and Arizona -- will go for Hillary Clinton.

Iowa will go to Donald Trump, we expect. So will Utah, where independent candidate Evan McMullin has been threatening Trump, but seems likely to come up short.

Our projection would give Clinton 352 electoral votes, while Trump would end up with 186. That would put Clinton’s electoral majority midway between President Obama’s 2008 win and his 2012 reelection.

Of these last picks, Ohio and Arizona were the hardest. Polls have been close in both states.

Ohio does currently seem like a jump ball, but we lean toward Clinton winning there because of the strength of her get-out-the-vote operation.

In Arizona, we’re expecting that the surge in Latino votes that has been visible next door in Nevada will put Clinton over the top. Polls that show Trump winning may be underestimating the size of the Latino turnout.

That’s what we think, anyway. But the map allows you to test out your own hunches. Have at it.

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GOP leaders argue Clinton email inquiry is still disqualifying, despite end of FBI investigation

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus, left, and House Speaker Paul D. Ryan both argue that the email controversy shows Hillary Clinton is unfit for office, regardless of the FBI's decision.
(Carolyn Cole / Los Angeles Times)

Republican leaders dismissed FBI Director James Comey’s announcement Sunday that the latest email probe related to Hillary Clinton turned up no new evidence that would result in criminal charges, saying the controversy surrounding the Democratic nominee still showed she was unfit for office.

“Regardless of this decision, the undisputed finding of the FBI’s investigation is that Secretary Clinton put our nation’s secrets at risk and in doing so compromised our national security. She simply believes she’s above the law and always plays by her own rules,” House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) said in a statement. “Let’s bring the Clinton era to an end by voting for Donald Trump on Tuesday.”

It was the second time in two days that Ryan, the nation’s highest-elected Republican, had called on voters to support the GOP nominee by name. He had previously distanced himself from Trump, particularly after a recording emerged of Trump making vulgar comments about women.

Reince Priebus, the chairman of the Republican National Committee, said the fact there was an investigation of Clinton’s use of a private server was already “a damning and unprecedented indictment of her judgment.”

“Hillary Clinton should never be president,” he said in a statement.

The email controversy has been dogging Clinton throughout her presidential run. It appeared to be settled after Comey announced over the summer that a review of Clinton’s handling of classified materials suggested she had been “extremely careless,” but had not done anything that should result in prosecution.

Although GOP nominee Donald Trump and other Republicans continued to thump Clinton over her use of a private server, the matter had appeared largely settled. Then, less than two weeks before election day, Comey announced that the bureau was reviewing a new cache of emails that it had found during a different investigation.

The emails were found on a computer shared by Clinton aide Huma Abedin and her now-estranged husband, former Rep. Anthony Weiner. Weiner’s laptop was being searched during an investigation into allegations that he sent sexually explicit emails to an underage girl.

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Could a transit strike affect the vote in battleground Pennsylvania?

(Jacqueline Larma / Associated Press)

Transit workers are striking in Philadelphia, leading to fears that a lack of public transportation could impact voting in the city on Tuesday.

While most voters in the city live within walking distance of their polling places, the strike by about 4,700 subway, trolley and bus workers has led to extended commutes as residents find alternate transportation to work and school.

On Sunday, the city of Philadelphia filed a motion seeking an injunction to temporarily halt the strike, and Gov. Tom Wolf said he would file a brief in support of an injunction to end the strike completely.

“Though there are extensive efforts to minimize the effect of any transit strike on Election Day, unquestionably, such an Election-Day strike will make it practically impossible for many Philadelphians to participate in this election,” said City Solicitor Sozi Pedro Tulante, according to the local NBC affiliate. Tulante added that hundreds of thousands of people are expected to cast ballots in the city on Tuesday.

The Southeastern Pennsylvania Regional Transportation Authority was already seeking a legal injunction to force its workers back on the job on election day. A hearing is scheduled for Monday morning.

“For the sake of our riders, employees and our taxpayers, we have to get this done. Too much is at stake,” SEPTA spokeswoman Carla Showell-Lee told a local ABC affiliate.

The union is arguing that the transportation authority is using the presidential race as a ploy to avoid honest negotiations.

“SEPTA Board Chairman Pat Deon … is the one using the election as leverage,” said Willie Brown, the president of Transit Workers Union Local 234, in a statement. “This is not the way to end a strike or get an agreement. It’s foolhardy to launch a legal Hail Mary pass designed to make SEPTA’s high-priced lawyers richer and circumvent the collective bargaining process.”

The last time a strike occurred in the city on election day was in 2009. Turnout actually ticked up slightly, according to

But that was an off-year election, which always sees far less voting. This year, the strike is taking place during a hotly contested presidential race. And Pennsylvania – where Democrat Hillary Clinton leads GOP nominee Donald Trump by 2.8% in an average of recent polling – is a critical state.

Both candidates have spent a large amount of time courting the state’s voters. On the eve of election day, Clinton will bring together her most powerful surrogates – former President Bill Clinton, President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama – for a major event in Philadelphia.

Clinton’s campaign has not publicly spoken out about the matter, but a source connected with the campaign noted that the possibility of a strike had been taken into account during their get-out-the-vote planning, and that they were hopeful the two sides would reach an agreement before the polls opened.

Democrats rely on the state’s heavily Democratic urban areas to offset the Republican vote in much of the rest of the state. Philadelphia is so liberal that in 2012, GOP nominee Mitt Romney did not receive a single vote in 59 of the city’s voting wards, mostly black neighborhoods in the north and west part of the city.

The transit strike, which began on Nov. 1, has paralyzed the city, with grid-locked streets and long delays for the regional rail lines, which are still operational. SEPTA provides about 900,000 rides a day.

As negotiations continue and all sides await a court ruling on the injunction, a pro-Clinton super PAC based in California has raised more than $200,000 to pay for Uber and Lyft rides to the polls in three battleground states, with a special focus on Philadelphia.

“Philadelphia transit strike is still happening. Philly is one of the largest turnout cities for Pennsylvania. All of these voters are going to need rides. Please donate $20 to cover 2 voters!” says My Ride to Vote’s fundraising website.

Updated at 3:20 p.m.: This post was updated to add information about the city of Philadelphia seeking an injunction, and to add the Clinton campaign’s thoughts on the matter.

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A potential president meets the king in Cleveland

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Trump reacts to Comey’s nothing-new-here announcement on Clinton emails

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Donald Trump emphasizes immigrants’ crimes as campaign nears finish

As Donald Trump races around the country in a final dash for votes, he is finishing his run for president the same way he started it, emphasizing violent crimes committed by immigrants in the U.S. illegally.

In remarks to predominantly white audiences in Iowa, Colorado, Nevada and North Carolina over the weekend, Trump has described in graphic detail the murders of young Americans by Latino immigrants, including some who were deported more than once.

“The crime that’s been committed by these people is unbelievable,” the Republican presidential nominee told a few thousand supporters Sunday at a rally here in the conservative northwestern corner of Iowa.

Trump’s comments echo the statements that he made in June 2015 on the opening day of his campaign — to the horror of GOP leaders who had hoped the party would use the 2016 election to widen its appeal beyond older white conservatives.

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best,” Trump said in his campaign announcement speech. “They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

A surge in early voting by Latinos in Nevada and Florida suggests Trump may pay a price for his rhetoric on immigration.

At each of his closing-weekend rallies, Trump has renewed his vow to build a wall on the southern border.

“Who’s going to pay for the wall?” he asked supporters Saturday night at a sports arena in Denver.

“Mexico!” the crowd shouted back.

Trump’s description of violent crimes committed by immigrants are now a staple of the prepared remarks that he reads from a teleprompter at his rallies.

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FBI has reviewed new emails, ‘not changed our conclusion’ on Clinton, Comey says

The FBI’s much trumpeted new scrutiny of emails related to Hillary Clinton has turned up nothing that would cause the bureau to recommend charges against her, the bureau’s director, James Comey, has told Congress.

Nine days after rocking the presidential race with word that a new trove of emails had been discovered, Comey sent a brief letter to Capitol Hill that, in effect, put an end to the renewed controversy.

The letter said that agents “have been working around the clock to process and review” the emails, which had been found on a computer owned by former Rep. Anthony Weiner, the estranged husband of Clinton’s close aide Huma Abedin.

“During that process, we have reviewed all of the communications that were to or from Hillary Clinton while she was Secretary of State,” Comey wrote. “Based on our review, we have not changed our conclusions that we expressed in July with respect to Secretary Clinton.”

In July, Comey sharply criticized Clinton for being “careless” in handling classified materials but said there was no basis for bringing any criminal charge against her.

In a brief statement, Clinton’s press secretary, Brian Fallon, expressed satisfaction.

“We were always confident nothing would cause the July decision to be revisited,” he said in a tweet. “Now, director Comey has confirmed it.”

Clinton campaign communications director Jennifer Palmieri briefed reporters flying to Cleveland with the candidate: “We have seen Director Comey’s latest letter to the Hill. We were glad to see that he has found, as we were confident that he would, that he has confirmed the conclusions he reached in July. We are glad that this matter is resolved.”

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Sen. Cory Booker brings up FBI’s harassment of Martin Luther King Jr.

Hillary Clinton was sharply critical of the FBI in the wake of the surprise announcement that investigators were examining newly discovered emails that could be related to her former private server, but she’s avoided the issue more recently.

So it was striking that Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) took a swipe at the law enforcement agency on Sunday when he introduced Clinton at a black church here.

Without mentioning the email probe specifically, Booker said there have been “reruns” in this election.

“We saw what the FBI did in MLK’s day,” he said, a reference to how it targeted the civil rights leader decades ago.

FBI Director James B. Comey has faced withering criticism from Democrats and even some Republicans for notifying Congress so close to the election that the agency was examining additional emails.

But Booker’s reference to the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. was also interesting in light of how Comey has required FBI trainees to study the lessons from the “shameful” investigations of the civil rights leader.

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Latino support for Clinton set to hit record high for a presidential candidate — and for Trump, a new low

Not only are Latino voters set for record turnout this election, but a new poll Sunday shows Latino support for Donald Trump may be lower than for any Republican presidential candidate in more than 30 years.

Hillary Clinton has support from 76% of the Latino electorate, according to the Noticias Telemundo/Latino Decisions /NALEO Educational Fund poll.

That’s a higher level of support than President Obama won in both of his elections. Latino Decisions’ survey showed 75% of Latinos backed Obama in 2012. Exit polling put his support at 71%.

Just 14% of Latino voters backed Trump, the survey found, That’s about half of Mitt Romney’s 27% showing with Latinos and fewer than the GOP’s low-point when Bob Dole won 21% of the Latino vote in 1996.

Polling in California found similar results, according to the final statewide USC Dornsife/Los Angeles Times survey. Clinton was winning 73% of Latino registered voters compared with 17% for Trump in a two-way match up, the poll found.

Exit data compiled by the Pew Hispanic Center shows no Republican candidate faring worse with Latinos in presidential elections dating to 1980.

Republicans approached this election year hoping to improve their standing with Latinos, a growing part of the electorate. But instead, their candidate seems to have had the opposite effect.

Trump’s criticism of Latino immigrants as “rapists” and criminals set a tone when he launched his campaign, amplified by his proposals to deport those here illegally and build a wall along the border with Mexico.

A “Trump bump” in early voting by Latinos already has been documented in recent days in Florida, Nevada, Texas and some other states.

Voter registration drives have been robust for the past year in many Latino and immigrant communities, and now many advocacy groups are working to ensure Latino voters get to the polls.

Almost 15 million Latinos could vote this year, a record, and polling shows the Latino electorate puts more importance on voting this year than in 2012.

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Donald Trump’s campaign on Clinton team: ‘They’re chasing us around’ the blue states

Donald Trump’s last-minute blitz through states that Republicans haven’t won in decades has raised strategic questions in the minds of some. But his supporters insist they are doing something right.

Their best evidence? Hillary Clinton’s response.

“They’re chasing us around in these blue states,” Kellyanne Conway, Trump’s campaign manager, said in a conference call with reporters Sunday. “We’ve been expanding our map, and we are now competing in states where people wrote us off months ago.”

Conway said Sunday’s rally in Minnesota, just announced late Saturday, has already drawn 18,000 requests for tickets to a venue that holds only 5,000 people. She added that Indiana Gov. Mike Pence would be there Monday.

Conway said the campaign now believes it has at least six electoral paths to victory on Tuesday, though she did not name the specific combinations of states.

Minnesota, which hasn’t voted GOP in a presidential election since 1972, holds the longest such streak of any state. Michigan is another blue state. But Conway said “we trust the savviness and the brilliance of the Clinton campaign” in spending time and resources there, noting that Clinton and her husband are both stopping in the state in the waning hours of the campaign.

The Trump campaign said it is trailing in early voting in several key states – such as Florida and North Carolina – but not as badly as Mitt Romney in 2012. Republicans often make up ground on election day to catch up to advantages Democrats hold in early voting. They also said it’s too early to dismiss chances in Nevada, despite a surge of Latino early voters there, because they believe they can get as much as 30% of Latino votes.

Conway said Trump will spend Monday night in New York and vote early Tuesday. Then he has a tentative schedule that includes Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio, North Carolina and New Hampshire, she said. He’ll return to New York for what he hopes is a victory party.

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Trump sprints across Midwest in final scramble

(Charles Rex Arbogast / Associated Press)

Donald Trump set off Sunday morning on a campaign swing across the Midwest to defend his lead in Iowa and challenge Hillary Clinton’s stronger standing in Minnesota and Michigan.

The Republican presidential nominee planned to race Sunday night to rallies later in the day in two more states where he faces an uphill fight: Pennsylvania and Virginia.

With the election two days away, Trump is trying to maximize whatever boost he got from the FBI’s disclosure nine days ago of its renewed scrutiny of Clinton’s use of a private email server when she was secretary of State.

Apart from Iowa, however, Trump faces long odds in all of the states on his itinerary Sunday as he scrambles to find a path to the 270 electoral votes he needs to win the presidency.

Trump’s best shots appear to be Michigan, where Clinton and her allies — including President Obama — have scheduled stops during the campaign’s closing hours, and Pennsylvania. Clinton plans to campaign Monday night in Philadelphia with the president and First Lady Michelle Obama.

Trump plans to return Monday to both Pennsylvania and Michigan. In both states, his popularity among blue-collar white voters and a lack of strong enthusiasm for Clinton among African Americans could combine to offer him a shot. Winning both those states would be a major step toward gaining the White House, although Trump would still need victories in other states in which Clinton appears to be ahead.

Barring last-minute changes, Trump’s other stops Monday are in Florida and North Carolina, perhaps the tightest battlegrounds of all, and New Hampshire, where polls show Clinton’s lead has all but vanished.

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Mike Pence on Chris Christie’s transition job: ‘No changes in personnel’

In an interview on “Fox News Sunday,” Indiana Gov. Mike Pence gave tentative backing to New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who heads the Donald Trump transition team.

Christie, once considered a possible running mate for Trump, took a big hit to his political career Friday after two of his aides were convicted of rigging a horrific traffic jam as part of a political payback scheme.

Pence was asked Sunday whether there was any chance Christie would be replaced after the election, if Trump wins. Pence responded with a general and limited promise that made no guarantees beyond Tuesday.

“There’s no changes in personnel here in the waning days of the campaign,” he said.

In a direct question about Christie, Pence was equally tepid, mostly pointing to Christie’s defense of his actions rather than framing one in his own words

“Chris Christie has continued to strongly state his position that he has no knowledge of those actions taken,” Pence said. “And frankly, as he said later in the week, that what those convictions prove, is that he was right to immediately fire those people”

“All of our focus is on election day and we’re grateful for Chris Christie’s role in the campaign,” he added.

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Final flurry of national and battleground state polls offers mostly good news to Clinton

It’s the Sunday before election day, and a final round of polls provides cheering news for supporters of Hillary Clinton and a bit for Donald Trump, as well.

The biggest win for the Trump side was from the Des Moines Register poll of Iowa, which showed Trump leading in that state by seven points, 46% to 39%. Clinton has struggled in Iowa all year, and she notably has not campaigned in the state recently.

By contrast, the Democrats have been pouring resources, including multiple visits by the candidate and top surrogates, into Ohio, and Sunday’s Columbus Dispatch poll, which has a long and good track record in the state, indicated their investment may be a wise one.

The poll showed the two candidates in a near tie, Clinton 48% to Trump 47%. Clinton is winning among Ohioans who have voted early, the poll found — a pattern that has held true in many states. It also showed her winning among voters younger than 45 and, as expected, gaining wide margins among African American and Latino voters.

Trump has cut into Clinton’s support in white, blue-collar areas of northeastern Ohio where Democrats have traditionally won, the poll confirmed. But it also showed him failing to gain the sort of margins that Republicans normally get in southwestern Ohio.

Meantime, a CBS/YouGov poll of Ohio has Trump up by a point, 46%-45%. Like the Columbus Dispatch poll, the YouGov survey shows Clinton winning among those who have voted early, but it gives Trump an edge among the remaining voters.

A victory for Clinton in Ohio would shut off almost any path that Trump might have to get a majority of electoral votes.

In another Midwestern state on which Trump has pinned considerable hopes, Michigan, a final poll for Fox Channel 2 by Mitchell Research showed Clinton holding a 5-point lead, 46% to 41%, with third-party candidates taking 10 points in total. Clinton widened her lead slightly during the course of the week, the pollsters said.

The CBS/YouGov team also issued a final survey in Florida, showing a dead heat, with both major candidates at 45%. There, too, Clinton has a strong lead among early voters, the survey showed -- something that early-voting statistics also indicates. But the poll suggested Trump may be able to catch up with election day turnout.

In New Mexico, the final Albuquerque Journal poll showed Clinton ahead, 45% to 40%, and Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson, the state’s former governor, slipped to 11%, less than half the support he had when the newspaper polled the state in September. Johnson has faded by similar percentages in most national and state polls over the last month.

A Muhlenberg College/Morning Call survey of Pennsylvania, showed Clinton ahead, 48% to 42%, in a head-to-head matchup; 44% to 40% when third-party candidates were included.

Clinton has huge leads in the nation’s two biggest Democratic-leaning states, California and New York.

In California, the final USC/Los Angeles Times telephone survey of state voters shows Clinton ahead, 58% to 32%, among likely voters. In New York, a Sienna College poll showed her winning 51% to 34%.

Nationally, the ABC/Washington Post tracking poll shows Clinton ahead by 5 points, 48% to 43%, as she continues to recover from a dip that happened last week after FBI Director James B. Comey’s announcement of new scrutiny of emails that may be related to her. Several days ago, the poll had shown the two tied.

Notably, Clinton had a big lead, 54% to 38%, among white women with college degrees — a group that Mitt Romney won in the last election but which Trump has badly alienated.

The final NBC/Wall St. Journal poll showed Clinton ahead by 4 points, 44% to 40%, with 6% for Johnson and 2% for Jill Stein, the Green Party nominee. Clinton’s lead was powered by a big edge among women, 53% to 38%, and among minority voters.

A final poll by Morning Consult for Politico found Clinton leading by 45% to 42%.

The USC/L.A. Times “Daybreak” tracking poll, which consistently has shown a stronger result for Trump than any other major survey, showed him with a 5-point lead, 48% to 43%.

The re-weighted version of the Daybreak poll, done by Ernie Tedeschi, an economist based in Washington, shows Clinton ahead by 1 point. Tedeschi uses the poll’s data, which are publicly available, and applies a different weighting scheme than the one developed by the USC researchers who developed the survey.

This post was updated at 7:29 a.m. with data from the CBS/YouGov surveys.

This post was updated at 12:14 p.m. with data from the Mitchell Research survey of Michigan.

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The race to 270: Which states are in play?

A presidential candidate needs 270 electoral votes to win the White House. Most states predictably vote red or blue, but a small handful swing either way and make up the main election battlegrounds. What does it take to win the presidency?

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