Same-sex marriage ruling: Pop stars react (and mostly rejoice) - Los Angeles Times

Same-sex marriage ruling: Pop stars react (and mostly rejoice) on Twitter

A rainbow flag is waved outside the Supreme Court in Washington, D.C., after the announcement about same-sex marriage.

A rainbow flag is waved outside the Supreme Court in Washington, D.C., after the announcement about same-sex marriage.

(Molly Riley / AFP/Getty Images)
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That declaration, from a tweet by pop singer Adam Lambert, was among the many enthusiastic reactions from musicians Friday in response to the Supreme Court’s ruling that same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marry in the United States.

On Facebook, Sam Smith wrote: “Times are changing,” and added, “I coudn’t be prouder to be gay.”

In a statement, Liza Minnelli said, “I have always said that everyone has the right to love who they love and today, with the historic decision from the Supreme Court, I am so happy it is now the law of the land.”


And in a tweet whose haphazard capitalization seemed to reflect her excitement, Madonna wrote, “Finally And at Last! The Revolution Of Love has Begun!”

Other artists known for their work in the fight for marriage equality weighed in as well, including Lance Bass of ‘N Sync, who tweeted, “We are so proud to be American today!” with a photo of himself and his husband, painter Michael Turchin. Using the hashtag that was trending throughout the day, Lady Gaga wrote, “#LoveWins over prejudice,” followed by a photo of the singer posing with a rainbow flag with “Little Monster Pride” written across it.

Rapper Macklemore, whose 2013 song “Same Love” brought the topic to Top 40 radio and eventually the Grammys, posted a picture of an American flag and a rainbow flag to Instagram.


And in a statement in Spanish, Ricky Martin wrote, “Now in the U.S. it won’t be ‘marriage equality’ it will only be marriage.”

But not every reaction to the ruling was uniformly positive in the pop community. The Oak Ridge Boys’ Joe Bonsall wrote, “It’s a sad day for those that care about spirituality and principles based on the Bible! Move on and join the 21st Century? I choose Jesus!”

Times staff writer August Brown contributed to this report.


Twitter: @mikaelwood
