Jon Stewart follows up #McConnelling with #MeConnelling, #Mitchtake - Los Angeles Times

Jon Stewart follows up #McConnelling with #MeConnelling, #Mitchtake

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Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s wordless campaign ad has given Jon Stewart and the writers of “The Daily Show” endless pleasure. So much pleasure, in fact, that before their spring break, they bequeathed #McConnelling on the world.

The phenomenon, already hashtagged for maximum social media ease, invited viewers to provide their own soundtrack to the McConnell campaign ad. And submit they did.

On Tuesday’s show, Stewart unveiled his favorites, which included selections from Simon and Garfunkel and the ‘80s Swiss electronic band, Yello. The secret, Stewart told us, is that virtually any song pairs well with with video. The possibilities are endless.


But since Stewart couldn’t let #McConnelling go on forever, on Tuesday he introduced three new ways for viewers to have fun with the ad.

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#MitchTake encourages you to edit in exactly what you think McConnell is looking at off-camera in the ad. #MeConnelling asks you to grab a suit, grab a chair, and cut yourself into the ad, doing your best Mitch McConnell mysterious half-smile. To demonstrate, Aasif Mandvi and Samantha Bee #MeConnelled for viewers.


And finally, there’s #McConnellhey, in which images of McConnell can be paired up with the Matthew McConaughey audio clip of your choice. “All right, all right, all right” has already been taken, so you’ll have to get a bit more creative than that. Perhaps one of his Rust Cohle solioquies on the nature of time and space from “True Detective”?


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