Jimmy Kimmel trips up average people with 'Big One' news - Los Angeles Times

Jimmy Kimmel trips up average people with ‘Big One’ news

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Monday morning’s 4.4-magnitude earthquake jolted Angelenos out of bed and reminded them that their city is prone to being shaken up from time to time. But as far as the “Big One”? Well, not even the brightest seismologists can foresee when the next earthquake might strike. But that didn’t stop Jimmy Kimmel from once again duping his favorite gullible strangers: the innocent men and women of Hollywood Boulevard.

On Tuesday night’s show, Kimmel sent his camera crew out for another installment of “Lie Witness News,” in which average passersby are asked to comment on news events that have never happened. In this latest installment, they were asked about the supposed “Big One” that scientists, they were told, had predicted would happen on Wednesday.

No, the prediction never actually happened. But that has never stopped people from acting as if it did. And while some of their reactions are innocent — one guy confesses to being from the East Coast and will just do what his L.A.-based sister tells him — others are more chilling.


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“I’m not prepared, but I would like to see a terrible earthquake,” one man said. “It’s action, you know?”

“It breaks up the week,” Kimmel’s interviewer offered.

“Yeah. I hope it doesn’t hurt anyone, but I would like to see ...”

“The Earth open up and swallow mankind?” Kimmel’s guy suggested.


Yay, humanity!



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