Phantom Bread, Get Trout and more dishes for your Oscar viewing party - Los Angeles Times

Phantom Bread, Get Trout and more dishes for your Oscar viewing party

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Film Critic

The 90th Academy Awards ceremony is nearly upon us, which means it’s time to indulge your inner Frances McGourmand and Foodie Harrelson and host a very special Oscar-themed banquet. Starved for inspiration? Feel free to try any of the dishes below. (Special thanks to my wife for her contributions to the menu.)


Escargot Robbie

Guillermo del Toro Sashimi

I, Tom Yum Koong

Lady Bird’s Nest

Salad Hawkins (with Lettuce Leaf Manville and The Shape of Watercress)

Willem Dafoie Gras


The Big Chick

(Denz)elk (Washing)tongue

Faces Plaices

The Flauta Project

Gardenburgers of the Galaxy Vol. 2

Get Trout

Kalbi by Your Name

On Body and Sole

Spam Rockwell

Star Wars: The Last Jidori

This Is Meat

Three Grilled Boars Outside Ebbing, Missouri

Side dishes

Abalone: Small Enough to Jail

Christofu Nolan

Grits Gerwig

Nori Metcalf


Swiss Chard Jenkins


Phantom Bread (baked with Darkest Flour)

Saoirse Ronaan

Timothée Challah-met


Daniel Kahlua

Christopher Plum Wine


Fanta Thread

The Grape of Water

Martini McDonagh


Berry J. Blige

Gary Oldmint

A Flantastic Woman

Icarus Allsorts

Orange Peele


War for the Planet of the Crêpes

Pineapple Upside-Dunkirk


Armie Hamhock

Michael Stuhlburger

James Panko

Shakshuka Guadagnino

Tom Shanks

Hong Chowder

Wonton Woman

Tiffany Radish

[email protected]
