Leonard Nimoy as Mr. Spock - Los Angeles Times

Leonard Nimoy and Mr. Spock: An illustrated guide

Illustrations of every appearance in TV and film

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Leonard Nimoy's half-human, half-Vulcan character with the signature bowl cut and pointed ears appeared more than 100 times in TV and film. Here is our tribute to his depiction of a voice of reason during an era of social turmoil. Select an image to learn more about an appearance.

Read Nimoy's official obituary here. Full coverage: Leonard Nimoy | 1931 - 2015

Original series: S1
The Man Trap
Sep. 8
Original series: S1
Charlie X
Sep. 15
Original series: S1
Where No Man Has Gone Before
Sep. 22
Original series: S1
The Naked Time
Sep. 29
Original series: S1
The Enemy Within
Oct. 6
Original series: S1
Mudd's Women
Oct. 13
Original series: S1
What Are Little Girls Made Of?
Oct. 20
Original series: S1
Oct. 27
Original series: S1
Dagger of the Mind
Nov. 3
Original series: S1
The Corbomite Maneuver
Nov. 10
Original series: S1
The Menagerie part I
Nov. 17
Original series: S1
The Menagerie part II
Nov. 24
Original series: S1
The Conscience of the King
Dec. 8
Original series: S1
Balance of Terror
Dec. 15
Original series: S1
Shore Leave
Dec. 29
Original series: S1
The Galileo Seven
Jan. 5
Original series: S1
The Squire of Gothos
Jan. 12
Original series: S1
Jan. 19
Original series: S1
Tomorrow Is Yesterday
Jan. 26
Original series: S1
Court Martial
Feb. 2
Original series: S1
The Return of the Archons
Feb. 9
Original series: S1
Space Seed
Feb. 16
Original series: S1
A Taste of Armageddon
Feb. 23
Original series: S1
This Side of Paradise
Mar. 2
Original series: S1
The Devil in the Dark
Mar. 9
Original series: S1
Errand of Mercy
Mar. 23
Original series: S1
The Alternative Factor
Mar. 30
Original series: S1
The City on the Edge of Forever
Apr. 6
Original series: S1
Operation: Annihilate!
Apr. 13
Original series: S2
Amok Time
Sep. 15
Original series: S2
Who Mourns for Adonais?
Sep. 22
Original series: S2
The Changeling
Sep. 29
Original series: S2
Mirror, Mirror
Oct. 6
Original series: S2
The Apple
Oct. 13
Original series: S2
The Doomsday Machine
Oct. 20
Original series: S2
Oct. 27
Original series: S2
I, Mudd
Nov. 3
Original series: S2
Nov. 10
Original series: S2
Journey to Babel
Nov. 17
Original series: S2
Friday's Child
Dec. 1
Original series: S2
The Deadly Years
Dec. 8
Original series: S2
Dec. 15
Original series: S2
Wolf in the Fold
Dec. 22
Original series: S2
The Trouble With Tribbles
Dec. 29
Original series: S2
The Gamesters of Triskelion
Jan. 5
Original series: S2
A Piece of the Action
Jan. 12
Original series: S2
Immunity Syndrome
Jan. 19
Original series: S2
A Private Little War
Feb. 2
Original series: S2
Return to Tomorrow
Feb. 9
Original series: S2
Patterns of Force
Feb. 16
Original series: S2
By Any Other Name
Feb. 23
Original series: S2
The Omega Glory
Mar. 1
Original series: S2
The Ultimate Computer
Mar. 8
Original series: S2
Bread and Circuses
Mar. 15
Original series: S2
Assignment: Earth
Mar. 29
Original series: S3
Spock's Brain
Sep. 20
Original series: S3
The Enterprise Incident
Sep. 27
Original series: S3
The Paradise Syndrome
Oct. 4
Original series: S3
And the Children Shall Lead
Oct. 11
Original series: S3
Is There in Truth No Beauty?
Oct. 18
Original series: S3
Spectre of the Gun
Oct. 25
Original series: S3
Day of the Dove
Nov. 1
Original series: S3
For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Nov. 8
Original series: S3
The Tholian Web
Nov. 15
Original series: S3
Plato's Stepchildren
Nov. 22
Original series: S3
Wink of an Eye
Nov. 29
Original series: S3
The Empath
Dec. 6
Original series: S3
Elaan of Troyius
Dec. 20
Original series: S3
Whom Gods Destroy
Jan. 3
Original series: S3
Let That Be Your Last Battlefield
Jan. 10
Original series: S3
The Mark of Gideon
Jan. 17
Original series: S3
That Which Survives
Jan. 24
Original series: S3
The Lights of Zetar
Jan. 31
Original series: S3
Requiem for Methuselah
Feb. 14
Original series: S3
The Way to Eden
Feb. 21
Original series: S3
The Cloud Minders
Feb. 28
Original series: S3
The Savage Curtain
Mar. 7
Original series: S3
All Our Yesterdays
Mar. 14
Original series: S3
Turnabout Intruder
June 3
Animated series: S1
Beyond the Farthest Star
Sep. 8
Animated series: S1
Sep. 15
Animated series: S1
One of Our Planets is Missing
Sep. 22
Animated series: S1
The Lorelei Signal
Sep. 29
Animated series: S1
More Tribbles, More Troubles
Oct. 6
Animated series: S1
The Survivor
Oct. 13
Animated series: S1
The Infinite Vulcan
Oct. 20
Animated series: S1
The Magicks of Megas-tu
Oct. 27
Animated series: S1
Once Upon a Planet
Nov. 3
Animated series: S1
Mudd's Passion
Nov. 10
Animated series: S1
The Terratin Incident
Nov. 17
Animated series: S1
The Time Trap
Nov. 24
Animated series: S1
The Ambergris Element
Dec. 1
Animated series: S1
The Slaver Weapon
Dec. 15
Animated series: S1
The Eye of the Beholder
Jan. 5
Animated series: S1
The Jihad
Jan. 12
Animated series: S2
The Pirates of Orion
Sep. 7
Animated series: S2
Sep. 14
Animated series: S2
The Practical Joker
Sep. 21
Animated series: S2
Sep. 28
Animated series: S2
How Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth
Oct. 5
Animated series: S2
The Counter-Clock Incident
Oct. 12

Star Trek: The Motion Picture
Dec. 7

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
June 4

Star Trek III: The Search For Spock
June 1

Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
Nov. 26

Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
June 9

Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
Dec. 6
Next Generation: S5
Unification, part I
Nov. 4
Next Generation: S5
Unification, part II
Nov. 11

Star Trek
May 8

The Big Bang Theory
The Transporter Malfunction
Mar. 29

Star Trek Into The Darkness
May 16

For the record: Film appearances have been updated with correct release dates.

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