Kesha vs. Dr. Luke: Adele and Lady Gaga stand up for her; he says he never raped Kesha - Los Angeles Times

Kesha vs. Dr. Luke: As he maintains his innocence, she speaks out and gets Adele’s support

Pop star Kesha leaves a New York courthouse on Feb. 19.

Pop star Kesha leaves a New York courthouse on Feb. 19.

(Mary Altaffer / Associated Press)
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The he said/she said between Dr. Luke and Kesha was kicked up a notch Wednesday when the singer posted a statement on Facebook rebutting comments the producer made Monday on Twitter. Dr. Luke, real name Lukasz Gottwald, says he never raped Kesha; she says her lawsuit against him has nothing to do with improving the terms of her record deal.

"All I ever wanted was to be able to make music without being afraid, scared, or abused," the "Tik Tok" singer wrote. "This case has never been about a renegotiation of my record contract — it was never about getting a bigger, or a better deal. This is about being free from my abuser. I would be willing to work with Sony if they do the right thing and break all ties that bind me to my abuser."

Gottwald on Monday had cited a deposition in an unrelated 2011 case in which Kesha said under oath that he'd never drugged her or had "an intimate relationship" with her, accusations included in the current lawsuit, which aims to void her contracts with his Kemosabe Records, a Sony Music Entertainment Group subsidiary.

Both the singer — real name Kesha Rose Sebert — and her mother were deposed in that case, and the depositions were videotaped.

"It's a shame that there's so much speculation out there basing itself on so little information," Gottwald wrote in a series of tweets. "The only truly objective person who knows the facts is the judge. ... I understand why people without all the information are speaking out. I can appreciate their compassion. But lives can get ruined when there's a rush to judgment before all the facts come out. Look what happened at UVA, Duke etc."

In mentioning "people without all the information," he was likely referring to the flood of female celebs who stepped up to support Kesha after a judge decided Friday to deny her request for a temporary injunction that would have temporarily lifted her contracts.

Actress Lena Dunham wrote that after hearing about the decision, she "felt sick. Actually sick — I wanted to ask my Uber to pull over so I could throw up in a New York City trash can."

The "Girls" star continued, criticizing Sony for refusing to fold in the face of Kesha's allegations. "Let me spell it out for them. Imagine someone really hurt you, physically and emotionally. Scared you and abused you, threatened your family. The judge says that you don't have to see them again, BUT they still own your house. So they can decide when to turn the heat on and off, whether they'll pay the telephone bill or fix the roof when it leaks. After everything you've been through, do you feel safe living in that house? Do you trust them to protect you?"

Lady Gaga — who in 2014 denied a claim by Mark Geragos, Kesha's lawyer, that she'd been raped by Dr. Luke — tweeted: "There are people all over the world who love you @KeshaRose. And I can say truly I am in awe of your bravery." On Wednesday, she took it a step further, saying, "Free Kesha."

Miley Cyrus, whose hit "Party in the U.S.A." was co-written and produced by Gottwald, Instagrammed a sign showing support for Kesha.

A photo posted by Miley Cyrus (@mileycyrus) on

As she accepted her Brit Award for female solo artist in London on Wednesday, Adele said she'd "like to take this moment to publicly support Kesha." Taylor Swift even donated a quarter of a million bucks to the "Die Young" singer "during this trying time."

Kesha explained further on Facebook: "I think about young girls today — I don't want my future daughter — or your daughter — or any person to be afraid that they will be punished if they speak out about being abused, especially if their abuser is in a position of power.

"Unfortunately I don't think that my case is giving people who have been abused confidence that they can speak out, and that's a problem."

She thanked all the strangers who'd rallied in her corner and called out the famous ones more specifically.

"I can't believe that so many people all over the world took the time to show me support and love. Other entertainers who knowingly put their own careers at stake by supporting me, I will be forever grateful."

Meanwhile, Dr. Luke's Twitter feed had his closing thoughts on the matter — thoughts that included thanks to the supportive people in his corner.

"Kesha and I made a lot of songs together and it was often good but there were creative differences at times, he wrote. "It’s sad that she would turn a contract negotiation into something so horrendous and untrue."

Follow Christie D'Zurilla on Twitter @theCDZ and Google+. Follow the Ministry of Gossip on Twitter @LATcelebs.


Kesha cries as judge refuses to let her out of a contract with Sony

Kesha says her career is doomed if lawsuit against Dr. Luke remains unresolved



4:56 p.m.: This article was updated to include edited video of Kesha and her mother's 2011 depositions.

