Calendar Feedback: A triumph for the blind community - Los Angeles Times

A triumph for the blind community

 Malaika Mitchell - Rose in “The Braille Legacy."
Malaika Mitchell — Rose, of the Theater By the Blind, in the musical “The Braille Legacy.”
(Robert Gauthier / Los Angeles Times)
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What an absolutely compelling and enlightening story/photo essay with the cast of “The Braille Legacy” [“A Dynamic Journey Comes to Life,” May 29]

Not only had I no clue of the existence of such a theater company as Theatre by the Blind, but to have the historical background of the Braille Institute’s founder and developer portrayed by such a unique group is heartwarming.

I was dismayed with the character Monsieur Dafau, who initially banned the Braille method at the Institute for Blind Youth in France, because he felt “it made blind children too independent.”


Thank goodness, determination, bravery, sanity and technical achievement won out over stupidity, cowardice and suppressive control.

The play represents a true triumph for the blind community in particular and for all humanity.

Rick Solomon

Lake Balboa

Hollywood’s last movie star, or not?


In her column Mary McNamara talks about Tom Cruise being referred to as the last movie star [“Last Movie Star? Cool Your Jets,” May 27]. If the star system is dying, the question is — who’s killing it?

My answer is the streaming services. Most especially Netflix.

Unless credits are built into the movie main titles, you’ll never see them. They get chopped off. And good luck finding them on the streaming page.

What you do get is 25 hackneyed words about the plot and, in some cases, if you click below that you might able to see some cast credits. But don’t wait till the end of the film because, just as cast credits are to roll, Netflix covers them over with a blanket of preview posters.


I’d be amazed if those blockages are not illegal or contract breakers.

Bob Klein

Los Angeles


Mary McNamara rightfully questions the premise behind the idea of Cruise as the last movie star, but that won’t stop the legion of action-hero-worshipping addicts flooding theaters over the holiday weekend, making the cast, the production company and the defense establishment happy warriors.

It seems that when it comes to entertainment, silliness knows no bounds.

Lawrence Martin Kates

Los Angeles


Since Justin Chang is so adept at revealing key plot points in his movie reviews [“Tom Cruise Flies High Again,” May 25], I suggest Calendar give him his own column and title it “Spoiler Alert.”

Rhys Thomas

Valley Glen

Nothing’s rotten in Denmark

Regarding Charles McNulty’s theater review [“Why Revisit Hamlet Now?” May 26]: “Hamlet,” when done well and intelligently, as this production appears to be, needs no reason. It is, in itself, its own answer. The play’s the thing.

Linda Bradshaw Carpenter

Los Angeles

Good eating

It was so gratifying to see that director Ron Howard has made a documentary in recognition of and honoring chef José Andrés’ incredible humanitarianism and his work with the World Central Kitchen [“Ron Howard Raises a Toast to José Andrés,” May 26].

Andrés’ sacrifice, dedication and bravery in providing disaster relief since 2010 in these dangerous and risky locations (now currently in Ukraine) by feeding those in need does indeed qualify him as a “superhero.”

In these horrific times this selfless man, one of the most renowned chefs, deserves more for what he does.


José Andrés gives us a glimmer of hope for the goodness and kindness we can still find existing in human nature. He deserves a presidential award for his exemplary humanitarianism and swiftly responding to the needs and survival of these desperate people throughout the world by feeding them.

Joy Jenks


This is the end of ‘This Is Us’

Many thanks to Yvonne Villarreal for letting us linger with Dan Fogelman and ponder “This Is Us” for a few more moments [“Life After Death on ‘This Is Us,’” May 25]. The show has always managed to move me deeply because it is so firmly rooted in simple human experiences.

Fogelman said the show was in some ways about the passing of his mother. I suggest it is more far-reaching than that. I lost my mother, my father, my brother and two husbands (like Rebecca), and when she turned to find her husband in bed with her at the end, you answered my prayers.

Thanks for giving me something firm to wish for.

Art is the greatest religion we have. Thank you, Dan Fogelman, for channeling it.

Madelyn Inglese

Los Angeles


Yvonne Villarreal’s article on “This Is Us,” and her interview with Dan Fogelman, are outstanding. I cannot recall ever reading a piece where I could relate to every thought about family, past and current. I was captured from the beginning, through the nuances of the family’s lifelong history, Rebecca’s final journey toward home, to Fogelman’s snapshot of that little kid running. So precious.

Indeed, a superb telling of a television series’ heart and soul. Kudos to Villarreal, Fogelman and “This Is Us.”


J. Rickley Dumm

Woodland Hills
