Emmys 2023: On the fence about 'Ted Lasso'? This quiz can help - Los Angeles Times

Emmys 2023: Not sure whether to vote for ‘Ted Lasso’? Take this quiz to see how you lean

A photo collage of "Ted Lasso" actors and scenes.
Two-time comedy series winner “Ted Lasso,” has been nominated again. Will you be voting for it?
(Photo illustration by Susana Sanchez/Los Angeles Times. Images: Apple TV+ and Getty Images)
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“Ted Lasso” won the Emmy for comedy series for each of its first two seasons. The third (and final?) season, however, produced some wildly different reactions. Did the show, like Willie Nelson, go out on a high? Take this quiz to see if you’re still fully Team Richmond.

Number of times you’ve already voted “Ted Lasso” for comedy series:
Twice — for its (perfect) first season and (just-as-perfect) follow-up! (10)
For Season 1. It got me through the pandemic. (5)
It was on the ballot? (0)

“Ted Lasso” character closest to your heart:
Ted (duh) (10)
Rebecca (10)
Roy F— Kent (10)
Rupert (0)

What’s your favorite movie?
“Bend It Like Beckham” (5)
“Love Actually” (10)
“The Seventh Seal” (0)

Your life philosophy, boiled down to one word:
Money! (0)
Believe. (10)
Paaaarty on! (Wait ... that’s more than one word, isn’t it?) (2)

People would describe you as:
Inherently optimistic. (10)
A reformed pessimist. A realist, if you will. (5)
People? F— people. They’re the absolute worst. (0)

Television comedies should:
Make you laugh. (5)
Make you laugh and make you think. (7)
Solve racism. (10)

You are going through a difficult time and must make some hard choices. You confide in a friend, asking for advice and they respond, “You say ‘impossible,’ but all I hear is ‘I’m possible.’” You:
Pause. Reflect. Thank them for their support. (10)
End the friendship immediately. (0)

Biscuits and ...
... hot brown water (8)
... gravy (2)

When you hear “Diamond Dogs,” you:
Smile and think of the good friends in your life. (9)
Howl with appreciation. (8)
Nod along with the music but wish they’d put on “Aladdin Sane” or “The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars” instead. (3)

Last book you read:
“Coach Wooden’s Pyramid of Success,” John Wooden and Jay Carty. (8)
“How to Change Your Mind: What the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us About Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression, and Transcendence,” Michael Pollan. (7)
Anything and everything Coach Beard is seen reading in his office. (10)

It is easier to love people than hate them.
Absolutely! (10)
The person who said this has never driven the 405 at rush hour. (0)

Go-to karaoke song:
“Let It Go” from “Frozen.” (10)
“Bad Romance” (or should we say, “Beard Romance”?) (7)
“Famous Blue Raincoat,” Leonard Cohen. (0)


Perfect date:
A pint at the pub and maybe a game of darts. (9)
Bicycling around Amsterdam, looking for windmills. (9)
Oh, just a quiet night at home watching a documentary about the Donner Party. (1)

At 76 minutes, the “Ted Lasso” finale felt:
Just right. (10)
Too short. There were still some loose ends! (8)
Interminable. Remember the movie “Babylon”? Like that ... but longer. (0)

Last time you cried:
Witnessing the birth of a child. (6)
Honestly? While taking this quiz. So. Many. Memories. (10)
When I heard the Jets finally landed Aaron Rodgers. (3)

Please define “knob”:
You know ... the handle on a door. (2)
Rupert. Or Nate, before all was forgiven. (7)
Pretty much all TV critics. (10)

Would you welcome another season of “Ted Lasso” if it returns?
It’s a high bar, but, as a wise man once said, “Taking on a challenge is a lot like riding a horse. If you’re comfortable while you’re doing it, you’re probably doing it wrong.” (10)
It smells like potential — kind of like a locker room. (8)
There’s two buttons I never like to hit: that’s panic and snooze. But if they make another season, I’m hitting both of them. (0)

115 and above: Thanks. We appreciate ya!
60-114: It’s kind of like back in the ‘80s when “bad” meant “good.”
Below 60: We’re gonna be a goldfish and just pretend this whole thing never happened.
