How is social distancing during the coronavirus outbreak affecting you? Share your stories - Los Angeles Times

How is social distancing during the coronavirus outbreak affecting you? Share your stories

A handful of people shop at the Del Amo Fashion Center in Torrance on Thursday.
(Luis Sinco/Los Angeles Times)
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Coronavirus is here and it’s not going away soon. We want to hear your stories about how the outbreak has affected you. California has called for a ban on gatherings of 250 or more people, travel from Europe has been suspended by President Trump and the World Health Organization has called the disease caused by the coronavirus a pandemic.

Events around L.A. and the nation have been canceled or postponed, including conferences, concerts and sporting events. Companies are encouraging workers to stay home in hopes of protecting workers from the spreading coronavirus as doctors and health officials work to create a vaccine.

Social distancing and in some cases, extended quarantines, have upended daily routines. We want to hear from you on the unique ways that you are experiencing isolation.

We want to hear your stories. Send us a moment — no longer than 500 words — that captures the good, the bad and especially the surprising about self-isolation and social distancing. If you want, include a photo or an illustration that supplements your story. We will publish some of our favorites on our website.

Write your story in the form below and keep up with the latest developments with our live updates:
