McAfee blogs about love, justice and life on the run in Belize - Los Angeles Times

McAfee blogs about love, justice and life on the run in Belize

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With lots of time on my hands and very little to do with it, I’ve been reflecting on the recent detour my life has taken. How did I end up as a murder suspect on the lam?

So begins a blog post apparently written by John McAfee, founder of the antivirus company that bears his name -- and a self-described fugitive from the police in Belize.

Since going into hiding earlier this month, McAfee apparently has altered his appearance, relocated multiple times and repeatedly contacted a journalist at the technology magazine Wired.


Now he’s blogging, too. It’s up to him, he wrote Saturday, to make sure his story isn’t blown out of proportion. (“Autonomous and self-serving,” he wrote, “the press does what it does best -- sensationalize.”)

He has blogged 11 times in three days. Posts range from philosophic musings about the meaning of love and a guest post from someone who appears to be his 20-year-old Belizian lover. They also include details of how he evaded police after his neighbor, Gregory Faull, was found dead in a beachside home in Belize.

Belize police say McAfee is not a suspect, just someone they want to talk to.

A series of elaborate disguises has helped him hide near his own beachfront house, McAfee wrote. One day, he posed as a salesman hawking Guatemalan goods. He darkened his skin with shoe polish. He filled his cheeks with chewed bubble gum. He stuffed a tampon into his right nostril and colored the tip brown to make his nose look misshapen. He walked with a limp.


He looked so different, he wrote, that an Associated Press reporter covering the story nearly bought a carved dolphin from him.

Another day, he posed as a drunk German tourist with a partially bandaged face, he says.

The former CEO moved to Belize to retire in 2008. After selling his stake in McAfee in 1994 for $100 million, he lost much of his fortune through a series of bad investments, including bonds invested with now-defunct Lehman Bros.

Four of his friends have been arrested in a “systematic roundup” since he began evading police, McAfee wrote. He believes they are targeting him because of his run-in with police April 30, when he was arrested and charged with unlicensed drug manufacturing and possession of an unlicensed weapon. He’s since complained that there is a lack of justice in the Central American country.


McAfee also waxed poetic about his relationships with younger women, including a 20-year-old woman named Samantha, who he said is on the run with him.

“Sam, and others, can verify if they choose, that I am not foolish enough to believe that many young women could love a 67 year [old] man,” he wrote. “Being loved does not interest me much. Loving does. I truly love, not with a desire to possess or control, but with compassion and empathy. I care immensely, about many people. What they may or may not feel for me is their own issue.”


McAfee, still on the run, blasts Belize government in an essay

McAfee proclaims innocence, alters look to evade Belize police

Belize police want to ask McAfee founder about neighbor’s death
