Most consumers won't pay $1,500 for a Google Glass - Los Angeles Times

Most consumers won’t pay $1,500 for a Google Glass

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A new poll says 46% of consumers surveyed would not spend more than $500 for Google’s smartphone-like eyewear -- early versions of which the company is selling for $1,500.

Nearly a quarter said they would not spend more than $1,000 for the glasses. Only 6% of respondents said they would spend whatever it takes to buy the device.

Despite consumers reluctance to spend $1,500 for the glasses, interest in the product is fairly strong, according to the survey, which found that 61% of respondents would buy it if it was priced right.


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Asked how they would use Glass, 47% of respondents said they would use the new product to capture “family moments that would be otherwise difficult with normal cameras and phones.” About a third of respondents said they would use the device for work.

Of the 16% of respondents who said they would not be interested in buying Glass, 53% cited the device’s likely high price as their deterrent. About a third said they would rather spend money on other tech products while only 13% said they were afraid of looking ridiculous wearing the gadget on their heads in public.


The survey, which polled about 2,500 Americans, was conducted by, a coupon code website for U.S. consumers.

The survey results suggest Google will have to lower its price if it wants the new device to be a hit with consumers. There’s no set release date for a general public version of Glass, but Google has said it hopes to get it to consumers before the end of the year.

Later this month, Google will also invite about 8,000 users to purchase an early, $1,500 version of the smart glasses. In February, the company ran a contest asking users to tell them how they would use the new technology. Google said it will choose and contact winners this month, who will be invited to come to Los Angeles, San Francisco or New York for an event where they’ll be able to purchase the glasses.



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