Is iPhone 5 more water resistant than Galaxy S III? [Video] - Los Angeles Times

Is iPhone 5 more water resistant than Galaxy S III? [Video]

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We already suspected the iPhone 5 has a tougher, more durable screen than the Samsung Galaxy S III, but now it appears Apple’s device might be more water resistant too.

SquareTrade, a company that offers device warranties, put the two popular smartphones through a series of durability tests — the most compelling one being a dip in a pool — and the iPhone 5 came out on top.

The video, which you can see above, shows the two flagship phones getting dropped into a pool while playing Psy’s “Gangnam Style.”


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Both phones have cameras attached, so we see them as they go below the surface of the water. Both phones keep playing the music video as they submerge, but as they come back up, the Galaxy S III’s screen goes black. After being pulled out, the SquareTrade crew is unable to power the Samsung phone back up.

Meanwhile, the iPhone 5 never stops playing the popular song. Even after being pulled out of the water, the person in the video presses its home button and the device keeps working. It did appear that its touchscreen reactions were somewhat hampered, however.


The video also shows two other durability tests.

First, the two phones are dropped on a driveway from about shoulder height. The iPhone 5 has a few scratches while the Galaxy S III’s screen is cracked. In all fairness, though, the Galaxy S III fell flat on its face while the Apple phone landed on its bottom.

In the final test of the video, the devices have household items dropped on their faces. Both go unharmed through the first few items, but once 20 oz. bottles of Corona beer are dropped, the Galaxy S III’s screen cracks again.

The results of the video should in no way be taken as definitive, but they do make it seem as if the iPhone 5 is tougher than its Samsung counterpart.



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