Going batty with Google's Halloween horror Easter egg - Los Angeles Times

Going batty with Google’s Halloween horror Easter egg

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Ready to waste some time courtesy of Google? You’re in luck! Today, in addition to a spooky sweet Google Doodle complete with haunted house sound effects and scary cartoon characters, the search engine giant also released one of its classic Easter Eggs. And this one is batty.

To play, type the name of a horror movie into the Google Search bar. When the search results appear, you’ll find three bats hanging upside down in the knowledge graph box (that little box with basic information on the right side of your screen). Click on them, and they’ll fly away.

It’s a neat little trick, but one that seems like it would get boring quickly. Here’s why it doesn’t: Not all horror movies get the bat treatment. For example, search for the “Exorcist” and you’ll get bats. “Carrie” has bats. “Saw III” has bats. But “Poltergeist?” No bats. “Night of the Living Dead?” No bats.


Now do you see how this game could go on and on?

And when you do eventually get bored of seeing which movies come with bats and which don’t, then you can always fall back on some of Google’s old Easter Eggs that are still working.

Google “Zerg Rush” and start clicking furiously on the attacking O’s.



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