Silicon Valley joins with mayors to 'Demand A Plan' for gun control - Los Angeles Times

Silicon Valley joins with mayors to ‘Demand A Plan’ for gun control

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Silicon Valley angel investor Ron Conway is famous for all-caps emails that command the attention of an impressive social circle that includes celebrities, business leaders and politicians.

So when Conway sent out an email urging support for an effort to end gun violence in the wake of the school shooting in Connecticut, a notable group of people signed on.

On Wednesday, Lady Gaga, Martha Stewart, Craigslist founder Craig Newmark and Twitter co-founder Evan Williams were among those who signed their names in an ad in the New York Times, throwing their weight behind Demand A Plan, the organization of New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and other mayors who are pushing for greater gun safety.


The tech contingent is also coming up with a social media campaign for Demand A Plan, aimed at pressuring Congress and President Obama to take action. This digital crew already proved its ability to rally those on the Internet with its successful grass-roots opposition to an online anti-piracy bill this year.

Venture capitalist Fred Wilson has added a “Twibbon” to his Twitter avatar to signal his support, and is urging others to change theirs too.



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