Employers have negative view of Gen Y workers, study finds - Los Angeles Times

Employers have negative view of Gen Y workers, study finds

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Employers have a decidedly negative view of the so-called millennial generation, seeing those in the Gen Y demographic as having poor work habits and inflated pay demands.

That’s the upshot from a new study examining the professional outlook for people in their 20s, known collectively as Gen Y.

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Many employers prize Gen Y workers for their perceived facility with technology and social media -- not to mention their willingness to work around the clock for little to no pay.

But 47% of the bosses surveyed said millennials have a poor work ethic, 46% said they’re easily distracted and 51% said they have unrealistic compensation expectations, according to the study by research firm Millennial Branding and financial giant American Express.

The survey polled 1,000 Gen Y employees and 1,000 managers in March.

The appraisal by the higher-ups contrasts with the upbeat view that Gen Y-ers have of their bosses. Among millennials answering the survey, 59% said their managers have experience, and 41% said they think their bosses have wisdom.


Gen Y’s have a big desire for mentoring, according to the study, but only 33% of those polled said their bosses were willing to do so.


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