A Beacon of Hope: The Play Equity Fund’s Quest To Level the Playing Field - Los Angeles Times

A Beacon of Hope: The Play Equity Fund’s Quest To Level the Playing Field

In a world too often defined by inequity, the LA84 Foundation and the Play Equity Fund aim to give all kids access to – and opportunity through – sport and play

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(Juan Ocampo/Courtesy of Play Equity Fund)
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In the grand tapestry of childhood, sports and play are the thread that weaves dreams, friendships and life skills together. Yet, the simple act of playing is not an equal opportunity for all.

While some children have access to recess, P.E. or sports programs in schools or their communities, others gaze longingly at empty courts, locked school yards, or are cooped up in their bedrooms and fixated on screens. Enter the Play Equity Fund, an unsung hero in the fight for a fairer world, diligently working to ensure that every child has access to sports and play.

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The LA84 Foundation created the Play Equity Fund, as a 501(c)3 charitable partner in response to the pressing need to address disparities in access to sports and play opportunities for all children. The foundation’s mission is a legacy of the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games, which generated a surplus of funds that were then reinvested in the community to promote sports and well-being.

After almost 40 years, the foundation has invested over $300 million, trained 100,000 coaches, and supported 2,500 nonprofit organizations that have impacted the lives of over 4 million youth. Despite this important work, the gap between privilege and play has only grown wider. The LA84 Foundation recognized that grantmaking alone wasn’t enough to close the “play equity gap,” and this reality gave rise to the Play Equity Fund. The purpose of this innovative and collaborative organization is to address systemic issues that cause inequities in sport and play in communities and schools in the first place.

We partner with sports teams, government, schools, corporations, and non-profit organizations to create opportunities for deeper engagement. We work to find long-term solutions and investments to remove barriers that provide safe and accessible play spaces, sports programs, well-trained coaches and equipment.

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In the quest for social justice, some battles are loud and fiery, while others quietly transform lives by offering a chance for children to thrive. The Play Equity Fund falls in the latter category. It doesn’t make headlines or ignite passionate debates, but its mission is of utmost importance.

While the world might see this as, well... child’s play, it’s serious business to the Play Equity Fund. Sports and play are foundational for kids’ physical health, mental wellness, socio-emotional development, and academic success. Play and movement nurture essential life skills, including teamwork, discipline, leadership, agency, and resilience.

These skills have a profound and lasting impact, helping children develop into well-rounded, confident individuals who can overcome challenges both on and off the field.

Play spaces become the training ground for future leaders, communicators, and peacemakers.

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In a world where inequalities persist, the Play Equity Fund works at the intersection of philanthropy, sports and social justice. The work of this organization is about building dreams, instilling values, and leveling the playing field of life, especially for those who are most in need.

The importance of the Play Equity Fund transcends play. It represents a vision of an equitable society, where every child, no matter their circumstances, can build pathways to lifelong well-being.

It recognizes that the disparities that begin on the playground can echo for a lifetime. By addressing these inequalities, we sow the seeds of a fairer, more inclusive future.

The Play Equity Fund is not just an organization; it’s a symbol of our collective commitment to justice and equality. It reminds us that every child deserves our investment, and that their potential should not be limited by the circumstances of their birth. It’s a statement that we are willing to invest in the dreams of every child.

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In a world filled with complex issues, the Play Equity Fund serves as a beacon of hope. It might not be a quick fix for all the injustices children face, but it’s a significant step toward building a brighter future. It reminds us that change begins with something as simple and profound as the laughter of a child at play.

So, let us rally behind the Play Equity Fund, not as an isolated cause but as a symbol of our commitment to a fairer, more inclusive world. It is an investment in childhood, in potential, and ultimately, in a better society. Supporting our work for play equity is taking a giant leap toward a world where every child’s dreams have an equal chance to flourish.

-Renata Simril, President, Play Equity Fund
