My Favorite Weekend: Gary Sinise - Los Angeles Times

My Favorite Weekend: Gary Sinise

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Gary Sinise is probably best known for his long-running role as Det. Mac Taylor on CBS’ “CSI: NY” and his Oscar-nominated performance as Lt. Dan in “Forrest Gump,” but the Valley resident will show his true colors — as in red, white and blue — on Sunday night, co-hosting “The National Memorial Day Concert” on PBS.

“It’s a magnificent show that they hold right in front of the Capitol building,” says Sinise. “I did this for the first time back in 2005. I was in Germany at the time on a USO tour with my band, the Lt. Dan Band (, and we flew into D.C. knowing very little about the concert. But standing there on stage with 200,000 people watching, and with PBS televising it, I just got hooked. They asked me to come back the following year to co-host with Joe Mantegna, and I’ve been doing it ever since. It’s a great way to spend Memorial Day and to remember and honor those who have sacrificed for our country.”

Memory lane

When I first moved out here in the 1970s, my dad used to take me to Musso & Frank a lot. And they might have the same waiters working there today. It’s just one of those classic Old Hollywood places that you never forget. Dan Tana’s is like that too, and the Palm. Another family favorite is the Polo Lounge. My mom and my aunt still go to the Polo Lounge every year as their special treat.

Personal tastes

I’m kind of a steakhouse guy. I tend to go to Morton’s or Ruth’s Chris, because they’re all over the place and it’s easy for me to get what I want. I really like the sweet potato casserole at Ruth’s. But if I had out-of-town guests, I might take them to Yamashiro. There’s such a fantastic view up there, and the food’s really good too.

Tour of Europe

There’s a place out in Malibu called Taverna Tony that’s been really good through the years. The Greek food is good, and there’s a nice atmosphere. Very friendly folks up there. I used to live out there and we’d frequent the place.

Closer to home, I like Maggiano’s, a family-style Italian restaurant. I like the atmosphere — it’s big and loud and I can get lost in there. On the smaller end, there’s a wonderful little Italian place in Studio City called La Loggia. Anything on the menu is good.

A little night music

The Canyon Club’s a good place for some entertainment after dinner. My band has played there a few times. It’s a little bit outside the city, but they get some good acts there. A lot of revival bands, nostalgia bands, and that’s always fun.

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