Routine dishonesty - Los Angeles Times

Routine dishonesty

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Re “Inglewood has a history of deadly force by police,” Dec. 28

Thank you for exposing what public defenders have known for a long time: Police officers are routinely dishonest about the force used on people who are apprehended. Most shocking about your article is how in bed the district attorney’s office is with the Inglewood Police Department. You noted one deputy district attorney in your article who found one officer’s account of using deadly force not credible, but refused to file criminal charges against him. Who is that D.A. to decide whether the officer’s actions should be heard by a jury?

District attorneys represent the people of California, and the people of California should demand better. The answer to this problem is independent review of police misconduct. It makes no sense for police officers to investigate other police officers’ misconduct and then have their investigations rubber-stamped by a district attorney’s office that is unwilling to prosecute them.

Samer A. Salhab

