Marion Jones' stumble and fall - Los Angeles Times

Marion Jones’ stumble and fall

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Re “She did it, but all will pay,” news analysis, Oct. 6

The admission by Olympic athlete Marion Jones of steroid use indicates that there will always be an uneven playing field for all athletes.

Why not just legalize steroids for everyone? It would provide a much more level playing field than we have now. Let’s give all athletes an even chance for once.

Richard H. Smith



Regarding Jones’ Herculean confession: The only thing harder than telling the truth is telling the truth after a lie.


Catherine M. O’Brien



The admission by Jones to the use of performance-enhancing drugs is what the public expects in a confession -- not a passive, equivocal “mistakes were made” acknowledgment but a full-throated “I was wrong.”

Tom Houg

South Pasadena


So Jones was contrite enough to apologize to family, friends, fans and even her lawyers.

It seems to be very typical in today’s society to be more concerned about what one has done to oneself and those one cares about most. I am sure her tears were very sincere, but where was the apology to those she hurt the most -- her competitors?

Elvio Angeloni

