Religion as Rationale for Suicide Bombers - Los Angeles Times

Religion as Rationale for Suicide Bombers

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Congratulations for “Islamic Debate Surrounds Mideast Suicide Bombers” (May 27), an excellent article on a very timely topic. There are many different interpretations of all prophets and holy books. The religious and political leaders who preach their own interpretations have a great responsibility in this age of weapons of mass destruction. After studying all major religions, Mahatma Gandhi based his struggle for India’s independence on truth and nonviolence. His message is even more relevant now than it was 100 years ago.

Arun J. Mehta



Sheik Yousef al Qaradawi encourages suicide bombers to kill Israeli men, women and children, and The Times calls him a “moderate Egyptian cleric.” If a religious leader encouraged similar deaths to Americans, would you call him moderate?

Noelle Donfeld

Pacific Palisades


You published a photo of suicide bomber Hussein Abu Nasser’s mother, wailing in agony. How about some photos of the innocent people injured by his heinous act as well? Aren’t there always at least two sides to the story?


Allyson Rowen Taylor

Valley Glen


As a Jew, can I not speak of the Palestinians? Like them, I know what it is to be without a country; to yearn for the end of exile, for the olive trees and the orange blossoms; to despise those who would deny a homeland. Few people have more in common than the Palestinians and the Jews.

Can we weep now for our dead? Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and those who would build yet another settlement are acting in radical defiance of the beauty and generosity of Jewish tradition: They are depriving children of food. Can we weep, perhaps, also for that?

Michael Ortiz Hill



Both the Palestinians and Israelis have been urged to follow the first step of the Mitchell report and cease the violence. Israel has stopped the massive retaliations. Palestinian Authority President Yasser Arafat said over and over that he would support the Mitchell plan. But what does he do? Nothing. And another 50 or more Palestinian attacks and bombings have occurred. So why do we have to be so sensitive about Palestinian feelings? Isn’t it time for the world to call Arafat what he is--a terrorist--and accept no more mumbo jumbo from him?


Robert Snyder

Laguna Beach
