KATHLEEN WILLEY - Los Angeles Times


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Kathleen Willey, the former Clinton campaign worker and onetime White House volunteer who claimed that the president made an unwanted sexual advance, has stayed out of public view since her explosive “60 Minutes” appearance in March 1998.

During that interview, she described how, in desperate financial straits, she came to see President Clinton on Nov. 29, 1993, at the White House seeking a paid


She alleged that during that meeting, he kissed her, touched her breast and put her hand on his genitals--all of which he has denied.


After that alleged encounter, Willey was given a better role in the White House, trading her volunteer position in the social office for a part-time, paid staff position in the office of the White House counsel. The job lasted only a few months, but Willey was invited to take part in U.S. delegations to two international conferences. Later, she was appointed by the White House to the governing board of the United Service Organizations.

On the day she met with Clinton, her husband of 22 years committed suicide, leaving his family deeply in debt.

Today, Willey, 52, lives in Richmond, Va. She “disclaimed” her husband’s life insurance, meaning the money was passed to their children, freeing her from having to pay off his creditors. She has borrowed some money from the children for her living expenses. She sold the couple’s large house and purchased a smaller one.


Sources say she is not working, not trying to get a job, not writing a book and feels, in fact, that she is “unemployable.”
