Punch Lines - Los Angeles Times

Punch Lines

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Suck-Ups: “El Nino will cause a bumper crop of blood-sucking insects in the Southeast, locusts in the Southwest and slugs in the Northwest. Of course, the Midwest and Northeast have enough lawyers already.” (Kenny Noble Cortes)

Puff-Puff: “Viagra cigarettes are coming out. But only in hard pack.” (Chris Pina)

Pant-Pant: Ex-heavyweight champs George Foreman and Larry Holmes will fight in Las Vegas. “You know someone’s going to break a hip. And whoever wins will be selected official spokesperson for Depends.” (Pina)

Burn, Baby: On this day in 1919, the pop-up toaster was patented. Within the year, the first American burned his tongue while trying to make French toast. (Jerry Perisho)


Now Hear This: Millions of pagers are still on the blink. “Who could have dreamed that one day beepers would be silent and the Secret Service would sing?” (Cortes)

Monicagate: Ken Starr ordered Monica Lewinsky to give him her fingerprints, a voice print, a hair sample and clothing descriptions. “What a deal. Most guys would have to pay $1.99 per minute to get such details.” (Argus Hamilton)

More Monica: Starr wants Lewinsky’s fingerprints? “Can’t he just get them off Clinton’s back?” (Albert Perrotta)


And yet more: “Ken Starr wants Monica Lewinsky’s fingerprints so badly that he’s subpoenaed the patch of floor under the Oval Office desk.” (Buzz Report)

Cruisin’ for a Bruisin’: The world’s largest cruise ship, the Grand Princess, just began its maiden voyage. “It’s the biggest cruiser since Bill Clinton.” (Perotta)



As recent events have proved, it’s really difficult to know what is going on in the mind of a troubled teenager. Bob Mills says here are some signs to look for:


* He wears contact lenses with cross-hairs.

* He burns candles to a statue of Charlton Heston.

* He totes a gun rack on his skateboard.

* He dreams of someday working at the post office.

* He gives Christmas presents that tick.

* SEND US A LINE: Got a joke? Send it to Laugh Lines by fax, (213) 237-0732, or mail, Life & Style, Los Angeles Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles, CA 90053.
