Rock'n'Roll Sunset - Los Angeles Times

Rock’n’Roll Sunset

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It is impossible to set up shop at the mouth of the Sunset Strip without being touched by the spirit of rock itself; hence, the “rock ‘n’ roll” appellation that attaches itself to even the most mundane establishments on Sunset between Fairfax and La Brea. “These aren’t hangouts,” an insulted bass player clarified in the frozen-food aisle at the Rock ‘n’ Roll Ralphs. “We’re taking care of necessities.”


Kinko’s -- 7630 Sunset Blvd.

The Scene: Cut, paste and copy hub for requisite band fliers. Recent ban imposed on rockers-cum-jewelers photocopying dog-chain bracelets for catalog side businesses; scratched copy machine glass cost $500 to replace.

Detritus: 1:45 a.m. excavation of wastebasket yields an abridged Jackson Pollock bio, soft porn, two resumes, a Cafe Pinot waiter’s crib notes and a cassette cover for “Spooky Pie” demo.


Armed Security Guard? No.


Denny’s -- 7373 Sunset Blvd.

The Scene: Post-clubbing pit stop to stave off morning hangover with a $2.99 Grand Slam. Cantilevered two-tone seats at counter support intriguing melange of embittered hair-band drummers and Valley kids who told parents they’re “spending the night at a friend’s.” Waiter Roldan Galvez has learned not to address androgynous goth-rockers “ma’am” or “sir” until he hears the voice behind the black lipstick.

Bonus Amenity: Fifty-cent drop-claw game (aim for the stuffed Alf) helps time pass during inevitable marathon wait for a booth.

Armed Security Guard? Yes.


7-Eleven -- 7600 Sunset Blvd.

The Scene: Home to the 3 a.m. microwaveable potato and beef burrito. For olfactory accompaniment to Led Zep’s “Houses of the Holy,” seek counter top’s well-stocked incense display. Thirteen herbal pep pill and 36 energy bar variations provide boundless buzz needed to strike a power chord.


Surgeon General Alert: Sells 300 cartons of cigarettes a week.

Armed Security Guard? No.


Ralphs -- 7257 Sunset Blvd.

The Scene: Unofficial 12-pack dispensary for nearby Musicians Institute. Survey at 2:30 a.m. of grocery carts’ contents on checkout No. 4 reveals high tolerance for bacon and Rolling Rock. Two bandmates coming home from rehearsal hand over a flier for highly anticipated gig at Coconut Teaszer. Was the flier done at Kinko’s? “You got it.”

Who Will Save Your Soul: Overhead speakers pump live recordings of Jewel much too loud for this hour.

Armed security guard? Yes.
