Prop. C for County Managers - Los Angeles Times

Prop. C for County Managers

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Re The Times’ Oct. 16 editorial: Can you trust the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors? Can you depend on the integrity of county department heads? If you can, vote yes on Prop. C. If you have doubts, vote no. Here’s why.

The Los Angeles County Charter establishes merit-based Civil Service protections for all but a very few county employees. Today’s Civil Service rules permit a department head to hire managers based on merit and fire those who don’t perform to standards. But the department head must explain the action and be prepared to defend it.

If Prop. C passes, the Board of Supervisors may remove up to 400 management positions from Civil Service. As vacancies occur, the department head (who already serves at the board’s pleasure) will also be able to hire or fire key managers without due process.


As The Times correctly points out, this will give greater flexibility and authority to pick and choose. But as a county manager for over 20 years, I can tell you that the positions affected involve day-to-day management of functions such as employment administration, contracting, internal investigations and keeping the books. With Civil Service protection, competent managers being coerced to do something wrong can cry foul without fear of being fired.


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