Disney Hall - Los Angeles Times

Disney Hall

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Re “Disney Hall Work Halted, Study to Cut Costs Started,” Nov. 3:

It came as no surprise to me and I am sure countless others that the projected structure, as designed, would present an extremely difficult problem for the cost estimators and that cost overruns would be a predictable result. It is commendable that the Walt Disney Hall Committee halted the project before construction started, to minimize this problem.

It seems a bit self-serving that the Gehry firm welcomes a cost review, as it was, after all, the primary responsibility of the architect to design a structure that can be built at a cost within or close to the client’s budget. Sadly, this is not always the case. Let’s hope that all the involved parties can subjugate their desires and still produce a quality product that doesn’t resemble the proverbial camel that results from a horse designed by a committee.


