KIEV Piece Nothing More Than Bashing - Los Angeles Times

KIEV Piece Nothing More Than Bashing

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Joyce Sunila’s bashing of radio KIEV (Valley Commentary, July 3) and especially veteran newscaster George Putnam conveniently left out the fact that KIEV does not screen its calls.

As a 41 year-old baby boomer, I would trust the word of George Putnam over a Bill Clinton or Joyce Sunila.




We were surprised to read an article (“The Place to Tune In for Some Really Weird Talk,” July 3) which is so far off the mark that your editors must have left early for the Fourth of July weekend.


The writer suggests that we have a person named Roy Masterson when a simple phone call could have identifed him correctly as Roy Masters .

The article went downhill from there. Erroll Smith, who is the only full-time Monday through Friday black talk show host in Los Angeles, “apparently studied elocution from Barbara Walters,” and asked, “Who is afwaid of the weligious wight?” Cheap shot? Ask Tom Brokaw.

This level of reporting moved to George Putnam, who has a tremendous following and has been a major TV and radio newsman in Los Angeles for 40 years and will be 80 years old this month. His problem, among others is a “stentorian” voice, that most in the media would give anything to emulate. Does The Times print everything without editorial correction of the facts? Haven’t we progressed beyond making fun of those with different speech patterns?

By the way, we are not a “Valley station.” with a 15,000-watt signal (three times that of KABC and KFWB), we are a Southern California station.




Sinclair is program director of Radio Station KIEV in Glendale.
